Možnost iskanja v državah konzorcija

Iskanje s ključnimi besedami in filtri v angleščini ponuja rezultate v angleškem jeziku, ki se nanašajo na obstoječe možnosti usposabljanja in izobraževanja v vseh štirih državah konzorcija (Sloveniji, Španiji, Hrvaški in Irski).

Kratek povzetek
Soil Resources Management
The aim of this course is to produce students with knowledge and skills in agriculture with a focus on sustainability. While the course provides the students with a sound theoretical basis for understanding complex agricultural and environmental phenomena within a sustainable development context, its focus is on the practical application of knowledge and skills including agri‑business and on‑farm settings.
Social/Care Farming
This course is designed to introduce students to the practice of Social Farming, which is founded on the principles of equality, social inclusion, voluntary community development, and collaboration. You will learn about the history of social farming, disability, marginalised groups, and the diverse strengths, challenges, and conceptualisations, including the different ways in which people with a disability and other marginalised groups experience the world. The role of the environment for mental health and well-being will be examined as well as the various supports and interventions that are available for people across their lifespan, and the legislation and policies that govern best practices.
Plant Protection and Conservation
This course is suitable for anyone who wishes to gain a career in the horticulture industry. You will learn the science of plants and how to grow the successfully. The course is a mix of classroom-based learning and practical horticultural skills. The practical element of the course will take place in the gardens of Birr Castle Demesne.
Crop and Livestock Production
This course will provide a good balance of practical hands-on skills coupled with a sound theoretical understanding of agricultural practices and processes. Learners will undertake twelve weeks of hands-on work placement on an approved progressive farm as well as many interactive visits to agri-related businesses and industries.
Crop and Livestock Production
This course will provide a good balance of practical hands-on skills coupled with a sound theoretical understanding of agricultural practices and processes. Learners will undertake twelve weeks of hands-on work placement on an approved progressive farm as well as many interactive visits to agri-related businesses and industries.
Floriculture and Gardening
This course provides the necessary skills to design, create and arrange floral and plant displays for commercial, interior environments and special occasions. Learners will also gain a knowledge of floriculture and plant care.
Plant Protection and Conservation
This course is designed to incorporate both the theoretical and practical aspects of horticulture. It looks at the elements of design and commercial awareness in horticulture science.
Floriculture and Gardening
In this non-certified course, learners will investigate what is healthy soil; herbs and weeds vs flowers and plants; insects vs pests, messy vs tidy gardens. Keys to veggie success: soil/seed/timing/follow-up; watering, mulching, composting, making liquid feed; organic pest control. strategies: companion planting, sacrificial crops; attracting pollinators and beneficial insects, sowing trays, pricking out and laying beds.
Animal Husbandry
This one-year course is designed as a follow-on from the EQF Level 4 Animal Healthcare course and is tailor-made for students who wish to progress in the animal area into a working life with animals. This course caters to experience with pet and farm animals. The farm animal aspect of the course is taught in the college but also on-site on a working farm in Dundrum. Students also complete a one-week placement at an agricultural college in Tipperary to gain large animal farm experience.
Animal Husbandry
Students will study core areas of Animal Healthcare and are enabled to put theory into practice through experiential learning in a fully equipped Animal Healthcare Suite. Regular field trips and the handling of a wide variety of animals are key features of this course. Students will be required to undertake a period of work placement in an organisation connected to their vocational area during the academic year.
This course will provide all you need to know about getting started in beekeeping. Managing the bees, the colony's life cycle, bee diseases, treatments, feeding, swarm control, and harvesting honey as a crop.
Agricultural Business
This course will provide hands-on basket-making and willow sculpture-making.
Soil Resources Management
This is a part-time course to provide ongoing education for qualified, experienced farmers to allow them to keep pace with ongoing technological and policy changes in land management. This program is aimed at holders of ‘Green Certs’ who have significant experience but did not pursue higher or further education beyond level 5. This is an opportunity to develop new skills and keep pace with ongoing technological and policy changes in agriculture. The program will support farmers who wish to diversify to new land uses.
Agricultural Business
This 1-year part-time course has been designed to up-skill existing science and agriculture graduates with a view to increasing their employability in the Agri-Food sector. This is a predominately online course. Students are however required to attend classes physically twice per semester (a total of 4 days per academic calendar). The remainder of the program will be delivered via live online lectures one evening a week.
Animal Husbandry
This is a part-time course to provide ongoing education for qualified, experienced farmers to allow them to keep pace with ongoing technological and policy changes in the animal production sector. This program is aimed at holders of ‘Green Certs’ who have significant experience but did not pursue higher or further education beyond EQF level 5. This is an opportunity to develop new skills and keep pace with ongoing technological and policy changes in the Animal Production sector.
Plant Protection and Conservation
This course aims to provide students with the opportunity to gain the knowledge, skills, and competence to independently and under supervision analyse, quantify and report on the physical and biological diversity of an ecosystem in order to provide sustainable changes and or to progress to further education or training. Practical experience is an integral part of the course. It includes a forty-day placement. The College has established the following practices to enhance learners’ exposure to horticulture.
Floriculture and Gardening
This course will give students a thorough practical knowledge of horticulture, landscape design, garden maintenance, market gardening, and plant propagation. The course includes a 440-hour practical placement.
Floriculture and Gardening
This course will provide students with a thorough practical knowledge of horticulture, landscape design, garden maintenance, and plant propagation making it the perfect program to gain employment with Landscapers, Public Parks, Nurseries, and Garden Centres. The modules allow students to select based on their chosen area of interest.
Plant Protection and Conservation
This course is designed to introduce learners to general horticulture practices with a strong emphasis on organic, sustainable methods. This hands-on course focuses on the importance of the environment and respecting the balance of nature. The core modules look at understanding the relationship between plants and soils and how to best provide the correct conditions for healthy growth and prevent future horticultural problems. This course is a mixture of practical activities and theory that takes place in outdoor settings such as within our college grounds, our allotment along with other private estates that have become our gardening partners for many years. Practical experience is an integral part of the course. Participants will be required to undertake 40 days of work placement in a suitable environment, 20 working days during the academic year, and a further 20 days during the springtime. The College will assist participants in identifying suitable placements.
Floriculture and Gardening
This course is designed to introduce learners to general horticulture practices with a strong emphasis on organic, sustainable methods. This hands-on course focuses on the importance of the environment and respecting the balance of nature. The core modules look at understanding the relationship between plants and soils and how to best provide the correct conditions for healthy growth and prevent future horticultural problems. This course is a mixture of practical activities and theory that takes place in outdoor settings such as within our college grounds, our allotment along with other private estates that have become our gardening partners for many years. Work placement takes place on a weekly basis plus a full month of working in the industry in Spring.
Floriculture and Gardening
This course will provide students with a thorough practical knowledge of horticulture, landscape design, garden maintenance, market gardening, and plant propagation. The course includes a 440-hour practical placement in the college horticultural gardens.
Floriculture and Gardening
This course will provide students with a thorough practical knowledge of gardens and landscapes and the design and maintenance of gardens and landscapes. The course includes a 440-hour practical placement. The program provides a perfect opportunity to gain employment with market gardeners and the farming sector.
Fruit Farming
This horticulture course allows you to study at your own pace with no assignment deadlines and the maximum time given to complete a program is three years. This entire course is carried out via Distance Learning. The course content and learning experience ensure that your course is relevant and interesting and accessible anywhere in the world.
Fruit Farming
This course involves a mixture of classroom-based subjects, practicals, work placement, and independent study on basic horticultural science and management. You will be expected to complete assignments throughout the year.
Soil Resources Management
The course is useful to anyone interested in landscape design, organic horticulture, community development, environmental education, and sustainable resource management, and can lead to work or further training in these areas. The course is a mixture of classroom-based talks, practical activities, site visits, master classes from a range of visiting specialists, and group project work. Participants will be required to undertake 40 days of work placement in a suitable environment.
Fruit Farming
This course is to enable the learner to carry out horticulture operations independently under direction in a range of fields. 
This course is aimed at people who are passionate about their coastal landscape, heritage, culture, and ecology with an enthusiasm for getting outdoors and sharing this with others. This course will include classroom-based learning, and online learning, as well as regular field trips, site visits, workshops, guest speakers, and from regulatory agencies.
Agricultural Regulation
The aim of this program is to enable the learner to acquire the skills, knowledge, and competency required to work independently in agriculture, supervising and managing the operation of a range of farming activities in a supervised environment, and/or to progress to further or higher education. Successful completion will enable successful candidates to source employment as an operative in the agricultural sector supervising and managing the operation of a range of farming practices. The course will be delivered on 2 evenings per week, one of which will be online and one on campus. Laboratory and farm practical classes will be held on one Saturday during each semester.
Animal Husbandry
The aim of this program is to enable the learner to develop the knowledge and skills to work in a supervisory or managerial role in the equine industry or to progress to further or higher education and training. Students will be facilitated to explore horsemanship with a view to re-skilling/up-skilling and exploring concepts and subject areas that may interest the learner in future programs or employment. Work experience is also a core feature of the Horsemanship program with students spending time in an equine setting. This facilitates the enhancement of employability and transversal skills.
The aim of the program is to provide the learner with the knowledge and skill to work in a tourism-related role in a range of different sectors. Such sectors include; hotels and eco-resorts, tourist information or eco-tour guides, tourist attractions, airports, heritage centres, environmental education officers, or to progress to further or higher education or training.
Animal Husbandry
The aim of this program is to provide the learner with the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills, and competence to progress to a University program in Veterinary Nursing/ Animal Science/ Science/ Agricultural Science.
Animal Husbandry
This course offers an opportunity to gain an advanced qualification specialising in Animal Science. The aim of this program is to provide the learner with the skills and experience required to work in animal care independently or in a management role. Participants are given the opportunity to enhance their qualifications in this sector and further their careers within this industry.
Crop and Livestock Production
This course will aid the learners to develop a range of technical skills and knowledge, including land use, farming practice, crop and livestock science, food production, sustainability, and environmental management. In this course, you will gain a deeper understanding of the technical, ethical, scientific, and business principles that hold the Irish agricultural industry to a high standard.
Fruit Farming
This course provides students with general all-around knowledge of key aspects of horticulture. Students are offered a good balance of practical and theory-based skills including scientific experiments, building techniques, garden design, organic production, plant care, and identification. This course will enable you to gain an understanding of the fundamentals of horticulture with real hands-on experience. The course is aimed at mature students and school leavers who have a keen interest in horticulture and/or relevant experience.
Floriculture and Gardening
This is a one-year course in professional floristry, which will allow learners to develop the necessary skills to design, create and arrange floral and plant displays for commercial, interior environments, and special occasions. Learners will also gain knowledge of floriculture and plant care.
Fruit Farming
This course offers different individualised modules for the following options: Food production, Landscaping, Nursery, and Sports turf. This course is offered over a 32-week period and consists of either 24 or 16 weeks of College based coursework and 8 or 16 weeks of a practical learning period (PLP) depending on the chosen stream. Course material will be delivered face to face through a combination of practical instruction and assessment and class-based teaching.
Fruit Farming
This course will provide students with a balanced approach to the skills and knowledge required to start a career in horticulture or to progress on to a higher-level horticulture course.
Animal Husbandry
This course will equip graduates with the knowledge, skills, and capabilities for the role of dairy herd manager or as an employed farm technician/manager/herd manager. The recommended training for someone seeking a career in the dairy farm sector.
Animal Husbandry
This 2-year Professional Diploma (Special Purpose Award) is promoted as the industry-recognized award for professional dairy farm managers. It is delivered in an integrated way by Teagasc education, research, and knowledge transfer staff with input from guest lecturers including commercial dairy farmers and dairy industry personnel. Year 1 is spent on the Teagasc farm while Year 2 is on a different host farm. Part of the on-farm professional work experience may be completed abroad. In addition, course discussion group days are held on the participating host farms.
Crop and Livestock Production
The recommended training for someone seeking a career in the Crops and Machinery sector. This course will provide students with the latest technology, information, and management skills necessary for a career in the crop and machinery industry.
Animal Husbandry
This course will equip the learner with the knowledge and skills for employment opportunities in the industry. This course aims to provide students with knowledge and skills relating to riding, breaking, and training horses, preparation for sale, and encourage students towards Horse Sport Ireland and British Horse Society riding and coaching qualifications.
Animal Husbandry
This course will equip the learner with the knowledge and skills to find employment in responsible positions in the equine industry, gaining experience in breeding, young stock production, and the management of an equine enterprise.
Agricultural Management/Regulation
These groups provide key support to the agri-food sector in building its knowledge and gaining the skills base to underpin continued growth and competitiveness. Discussion groups normally comprise 12–20 farmers coming together on a regular basis to discuss issues of mutual interest. They operate on the basis that adults learn better from each other with the facilitator merely guiding the discussion as opposed to the traditional classroom, student/teacher model.
Plant Protection and Conservation
This course is aimed at those both looking to enter organic farming and those who have recently entered the sector. This course satisfies the educational requirement to enter the DAFM Organic Farming Scheme (OFS). The purpose of this award is to equip the learner with the knowledge, skill, and competence to apply organic farming principles to the production of organic produce, to meet market requirements and approved organic standards in compliance with European Union (EU) and Irish legislation.
Agricultural Business
The course will help farmers understand farm accounts and control the farm business. It focuses on teaching practical skills and enhancing understanding of farm financial management. The course aims to improve participants understanding of basic farm accounts terminology, the mechanics of farm accounts, decision-making based on farm accounts, and managing cash flow using the Teagasc Cost Control Planner. The course will be delivered over three half days. Method of delivery includes case studies, practical exercises, short videos, presentations, and class discussions.
Agricultural Business
The purpose of this course is to provide knowledge, skills, and competence to effectively plan and carry out a successful dairy start-up. It is designed to provide strategies for implementing your farm conversion in a profitable and sustainable manner. The course will mix both the principles for successful dairying with the practical skills required for the start-up process. The course will be offered in two parts. The first part is a series of seven training days, comprising four days in the first year, followed by three days in autumn the following year. Participants will have a unique opportunity to participate in an academy, where the group will meet monthly from February to November (10 meetings) in one year.
Agricultural Business
This residential course is aimed at farmers who wish to create a medium-term business strategy for their farm business. The course consists of business-related subjects such as strategy formulation self and people management, and negotiation finance. It is relevant to all farmers and farm enterprise mixes.
Animal Husbandry
This course will equip graduates with the knowledge, skills, and capability to carry out key pig husbandry activities and manage a pig enterprise.
Animal Husbandry
This course will equip graduates with the knowledge, skills and capability to carry out key pig husbandry activities and manage a pig enterprise.
Animal Husbandry
This training will equip graduates with the knowledge, skill, and capabilities to carry out key poultry husbandry activities and manage a poultry enterprise.
Crop and Livestock Production
This course is the introductory course for young people who wish to make their career as farmers. The course is suitable for people seeking employment on farms. The course consists of a combination of formal coursework and a period of practical learning. The formal course work is split 50:50 (approx) between practical/ skills training and classroom (theoretical) sessions. Students choose a cluster of elective modules in one of the following specialisms: dairy production, dry stock production, machinery, and crop production. Students in the full-time program spend two 4 week practical learning periods on an approved training farm which has the enterprise of their specialism.
Crop and Livestock Production
This course provides students with the latest technology, information, and management skills necessary for a career in tillage farming and industries ancillary to tillage farming. The course content includes machinery operation and maintenance, mechanization, crop husbandry, and financial management. The course includes field trips and outside involvement from the industry. Students will complete a 16-week practical learning period from August until November in addition to the classroom coursework (20 weeks).
Agricultural Regulation
This course is designed for adult students that want to complete the course on a part-time basis. The course requires in the region of 190 hours of direct contact (including classroom sessions, and practical skills instruction).
Fruit Farming
These accredited short courses are intended for part-time students who are currently employed in the horticulture industry and who wish to further their career development in their chosen sector. Students can opt to study one or as many modules in the horticulture options.
Plant Protection and Conservation
These course options are available for those who have already completed a Level 4 Certificate in Horticulture and want to further develop their horticultural knowledge but cannot commit to a full-time course. These modules may also suit those who have been working in the horticultural industry for a minimum of 3 years. Modules are offered over a 16-week period from January to May each year. Students will attend between 3.5-6 hours of class and field trips per week.
Soil Resources Management
This course will be highly beneficial to anyone working as a crop nutritionist, agricultural consultant, or working in the fertiliser industry. This course provides learners with the technical knowledge required to understand the soil fertility and nutrient requirements of grassland, tillage, and energy crops. The managing Crop nutrition course is aimed at those working in the crop nutrition sector. This course will be delivered by Teagasc specialists and researchers at a number of Teagasc's research and education centres across Ireland over 6.5 days. Training will be provided in both in-field and classroom environments. This course has been designed to support anyone working as a crop nutritionist, agricultural consultant, or working in the fertiliser industry.
Animal Husbandry
This course will equip the learner with advanced knowledge and skills for employment opportunities in the industry. This course aims to provide students with knowledge and skills relating to riding, breaking, and training horses, preparation for sale, and encourage students towards Horse Sport Ireland and British Horse Society riding and coaching qualifications.
Animal Husbandry
This course will equip the learner with the knowledge and skills to find employment in responsible positions in the equine industry, gaining experience in breeding, young stock production and the management of an equine enterprise.
This course is recommended training for someone seeking a career in the forestry sector. This training will equip graduates with the knowledge skills and capabilities to take up employment in the forestry industry as forest supervisors or self–employed contractors. To provide graduates with progression routes to forestry higher education.
This advanced training will equip graduates with the knowledge skills and capabilities to take up employment in the forestry industry as forest supervisors or self – employed contractors. To provide graduates with progression routes to forestry higher education.
Agricultural Regulation
This course has been developed to meet the training requirements of graduates from other non-agricultural award programmes who are interested in farming. The course requires in the region of 190 hours of direct contact (including classroom sessions, and practical skills instruction.
Animal Husbandry
This course is designed to ensure that participants acquire the high level of technical and managerial skills required to run a modern commercial dairy farm enterprise. Students will spend 20 weeks on coursework in the college and 16 weeks of practical learning period on an approved training host farm. Also, there are opportunities for completing the practical learning period in the USA, New Zealand, Australia, and Europe.
Fruit Farming
This course is for anyone who wants to deepen their knowledge of the production of food crops, or for those with a general interest in horticulture. Students will be taught the skills to grow and manage a wide variety of fruit and vegetables across all seasons.
Crop and Livestock Production
This is an excellent second-chance education course for any person that is currently engaged in farming in a part or full-time capacity. The course is also suitable for learners who wish to start a career in the agriculture industry. This course is very practical with lots of skills learned throughout the course. This program focuses on beef and sheep husbandry skills and farming techniques relevant to the Connemara area.
Floriculture and Gardening
This course is designed for people who have a strong interest in horticulture and gardening. The purpose of these modules is to equip the learner with the relevant knowledge; skill and competence to select, plant, and care for a range of common ornamental horticultural plants in a variety of planting situations establish & to carry out horticultural duties and tasks safely in a horticultural setting under supervision.
Fruit Farming
This course is designed for people who have a strong interest in horticulture and gardening. The purpose of this award is to enable the learner to carry out horticultural tasks and duties safely in a horticultural setting under supervision. It also aims to provide the learner with the necessary skills, knowledge, and competence to plant, grow, maintain, and establish trees and shrubs in a range of situations under supervision. This is an opportunity to develop new skills and keep pace with ongoing technological and policy changes in agriculture.
Animal Caring/ Husbandry
This non-certified course is aimed at farmers who would like to make an Owl box for their farms. This is a non-certified course that aims to care for birds by providing a housing structure for their survival and indirectly contributing to biodiversity conservation.
Agricultural Business
This non-certified course will enable learners to plan and make a wide variety of decorative handmade crafts. It will support learners to explore and express their creativity in a relaxed and social environment. The course provides learners with a means of self-expression and creativity through the medium of acrylic painting; opening participants’ minds to closer observation of their environment and bringing colour and excitement to their daily lives. Learners will acquire techniques to create the different elements used in the genre of landscape and seascape.
Plant Protection and Conservation
This course looks at permaculture from a whole-systems thinking, which can be applied to agriculture, urban landscapes, and our own lives. Each learner is encouraged to explore a system of permaculture in their homes, gardens, communities, and wider agricultural systems.
Plant Protection and Conservation
This course will explore the principles and ethics of permaculture and how permaculture principles can be applied to food garden and broadscale agriculture.
Sustainable resource management
Introduction photovoltaic solar energy Off-grid photovoltaic Off-grid photovoltaic projects Grid-connected photovoltaic Grid-connected photovoltaic projects
agricultural business
Introduction to Office 2016. The Microsoft Office 2016 office suite is presented, describing the programs that compose it and seeing the elements and characteristics common to these programs: the program environment, how to open and save documents, templates, the help system, the Office document and clipboard properties.
agricultural business
Digital enabling technologies Digital information and literacy Online communication and collaboration Digital content creation Network security Troubleshooting
agricultural business
Provide students with the necessary knowledge to autonomously manage the accounting information of a company and analyze its data through the study of the Balance Sheet. Without prior knowledge you learn to keep accounts
agricultural business
Starting from scratch, we analyze all the concepts that are necessary to formalize the departure of the salary receipt. Study of all the concepts that make up the salary receipt: Perceptions subject to contribution. Once we know how to contribute to Social Security, we study what compensation we can receive and in what amount. Based on the contributions and withholdings applied to the worker, we study how the company enters them into the Treasury. The student learns to prepare all contracts according to current legislation. NOMINASOL computerized practice
agricultural business
agricultural business
Internet as a marketing channel Internet: a massive and interactive communication channel Internet marketing Internet marketing tools: SEO, SEM The forums Forum administration Distribution of tasks in the forum How to encourage forum users to participate? The proper functioning of the forum blogs blogger profile Characteristics of the blog: structure and types How to retain the audience of your blog? How to write a good post for a blog and for the Web Generalist, Professional and Microblogging Platforms Facebook LinkedIn Microblogging: Twitter and Tumblr. Geolocation, content curation and other platforms Geolocation and mobility content curation other platforms Video, image and social mobility platforms video social image Flickr Instagram
agricultural business
How to create a fast, secure and mobile-optimized WordPress blog Hiring a hosting service: everything you need to know to install WordPress WordPress maintenance How to use MailChimp and WordPress to create a newsletter How to create a blog in 5 minutes 11 lessons for learn wordpress
agricultural business
The Microsoft Word environment, basic editing, Saving and opening documents, spelling and grammar Formatting of documents. Styles, Page Layout, Printing, Dashboards, Images and Graphs, Organization Charts and Diagrams, Templates, Mail Merge Schemes, Master Documents, Tables of Contents, Illustrations and Indexes Bookmarks, Cross References and Footnotes Security, Macro, Document Sharing, The workbooks of the Microsoft Excel environment., Spreadsheet operations., Data entry., Data editing., Apply formats. Introduction of Formulas, Functions., Creation of templates. Printing., Databases.
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
agricultural machinery
Sectoral training programs
agricultural machinery
Sectoral training programs
agricultural machinery
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
Sustainable resource management
Sectoral training programs
Sustainable resource management
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
Sustainable resource management
Sectoral training programs
Sustainable resource management
Sectoral training programs
Fruit growing and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Fruit growing and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Agricultural and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Agricultural and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
crop protection
Sectoral training programs
Agricultural and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Agricultural and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Agricultural and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Fruit growing and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Fruit growing and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Fruit growing and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Cattle raising
Sectoral training programs
Cattle raising
Sectoral training programs
agricultural companies
Sectoral training programs
Fruit growing and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Fruit growing and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
crop protection
Sectoral training programs
Agricultural and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
Farm Equipment
Sectoral training programs
Farm Equipment
Sectoral training programs
crop protection
Sectoral training programs
Sustainable resource management
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Sustainable resource management
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
Sustainable resource management
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
crop protection
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
sustainable resource management
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
Working day
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural regulation
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
food production and processing
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
plant protection and conservation
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
Sectoral training programs
sustainable resource management
Sectoral training programs
fruit farming and viticulture
Sectoral training programs
Crop and livestock production
Sectoral training programs
agricultural business
Sectoral training programs
animal husbandry
The ultimate goal of these courses is that attendees will acquire techniques and working methods that will allow them to improve the profitability of their farms. In addition, young people who participate in them, achieve "sufficient professional training" provided for in current legislation as an essential requirement to have access to aid co-financed by the European Union.
animal husbandry
The ultimate goal of these courses is that attendees will acquire techniques and working methods that will allow them to improve the profitability of their farms. In addition, young people who participate in them, achieve "sufficient professional training" provided for in current legislation as an essential requirement to have access to aid co-financed by the European Union.
Crop and livestock production
The ultimate goal of these courses is that attendees will acquire techniques and working methods that will allow them to improve the profitability of their farms. In addition, young people who participate in them, achieve "sufficient professional training" provided for in current legislation as an essential requirement to have access to aid co-financed by the European Union.
food production and processing
This particular course will allow participants to have basic tools to take advantage of the benefits of the Copernicus Earth Observation Program in a practical way, extracting information of interest through cloud computing from satellite images for decision-making in agriculture. through the Google Earth Engine platform
food production and processing
It will allow participants to acquire adequate knowledge and skills to develop and apply their own technology in precision irrigation and efficient water management. In the different sessions of the course, the management of climatic data and calculation of needs will be dealt with through tools in the cloud, the application of artificial intelligence to the prediction of water demand and irrigation management or the use of environmental sensors and cultivation for the application of irrigation among other matters.
food production and processing
The course is part of the Strategy for the Digitization of the Agri-Food and Forestry Sector and the Rural Environment promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, and reported by the Council of Ministers on 03/29/2019, which seeks to eliminate or reduce the existing technical, legislative, economic and training barriers in the digital transformation process. It aims to contribute to the leadership of an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable agri-food sector, as well as to the active settlement of the rural environment, to configure a more attractive, lively, dynamic and diversified rural environment, generator of wealth and quality employment, with special attention to youth and women. o The course will allow participants to learn about the latest technologies for the management of inputs (fertilizer, seed, phytosanitary) in a manner adjusted to the needs of each area of ​​land and crop, in what is globally called "Variable Dosage" (VD) , as well as the control of agricultural machinery and monitoring systems for field operations
food production and processing
The course will allow participants to learn about the main precision farming technologies, both in the field of intensive and extensive farming, dedicated to the massive acquisition of data, ideally on individual animals, to improve decision-making by the different actors. of the sector in order to improve production efficiency, environmental impact and animal health and welfare. The course will present existing solutions at a commercial level and the main lines of research and innovation in the pre-commercial phase. In addition, the procedures for collecting, transmitting and analyzing data from sensors will be critically evaluated, in order to establish the advantages and limits of the different technologies, allowing students to select the most appropriate technologies for each case in the exercise of their work. professional
food production and processing
The main objective is to offer students a global approach to these technologies and their implications for decision-making. At the end of the course, students will be able to: ▪ Understand the different technologies and their most appropriate uses. ▪ Know the keys to make an agribusiness more profitable and efficient. ▪ Understand how the cloud facilitates management and helps decision-making in real time.
food production and processing
It will provide basic tools that make it possible to improve decision-making and respond to the main needs of rural territories.
food production and processing
Participants will become familiar with and acquire knowledge in concepts of digitization and management of the agro-livestock company, ICT applied to agriculture, or business resource planning systems.
food production and processing
It will provide basic and applied knowledge on the use of blockchain and non-destructive spectral sensors in the agri-food field, to control and guarantee the quality and traceability of these products.
fisheries and aquaculture
- Select prophylaxis measures in relation to the system, installation and crop species, assessing the risks of transmission of pathologies.- Establish a vaccination program based on the crop species and the pathologies susceptible to treatment.- Select prevention treatments other than vaccines depending on the species and cultivation phase."
fisheries and aquaculture
- Coordinate and manage production in the fattening phases in aquaculture.- Plan the prevention and control of pathologies during the fattening of aquaculture species.- Supervise environmental controls in the aquaculture fattening process."
agricultural regulation
"- Identify the ownership of agricultural, livestock or fishing operations and their requirements.- Know the formal and registry obligations of those affected by the Special Regime for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.- Recognize the causes of exclusion and waiver of the Special Regime for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.- Acquire new knowledge with a view to expanding and improving our work environment."
Crop and livestock production
This Fertilizer and Fertilizer Course in Organic Agriculture will allow the achievement of the following established objectives:- Know the subscriber in organic farming.- Know the techniques and factors that condition the production of compost.- Learn the regulations of composting processes."
prevention of professional risks
The objectives that are intended to be achieved through this training are the following:- Know the basic concepts of work and health in order to improve the health levels of the working population.- Make the worker aware of the possible risk factors.- Know how to apply the methods of action and corrective measures in case of danger.- Know the negative effects on health originating in the work environment.- Assimilate safety guidelines in the handling of hazardous chemicals, substances and preparations.- Identify hazards and risks that may arise in the workplace and know the measures to establish a preventive plan.- Know the importance of acting in first aid.- Know the importance of the risks derived from agricultural activities, specifically in the use of machinery for these tasks. _ Describe the risks derived from safety conditions in agricultural work.- Describe the risks associated with the use of chainsaws, brushcutters, tractors, motor hoes, use and placement of implements.- Know the risks associated with the use of phytosanitary products."
Crop and livestock production
Acquire the basic fundamentals of organic farms considering the techniques to be applied, the regulations that regulate aid for their development and good practices.
Crop and livestock production
Expose energy saving and efficiency techniques applied to nitrogen fertilization, greenhouses and irrigation communities.
Crop and livestock production
- Manage the soil and carry out cultural and harvesting tasks in organic farms.- Drive tractors and assemble agricultural facilities, performing their maintenance.- Control and manage the health status of the agroecosystem.
Crop and livestock production
- Carry out auxiliary operations for the preparation of the land, sowing and planting of agricultural crops.- Carry out auxiliary operations for irrigation, fertilization and application of treatments in agricultural crops.- Carry out auxiliary operations in cultural care and harvesting of crops, and in the maintenance of facilities in agricultural exploitations.
floriculture and gardening
- Interpret maps and plans to effectively organize the sequence of topography works described in projects and technical plans for agriculture, gardening and forestry.- Organize surveying and simple leveling field work, optimizing resources and according to their purpose.- Operate with topographic devices and means, making precise measurements, to carry out surveying, setting out and simple leveling work.- Draw simple plans to scale and calculate with the required precision surfaces and slopes from survey measurements.- Rethink points and geometric figures, transferring the information from the plan to the terrain, with the precision and the required signaling method.
agricultural business
Coordinate and control the human resources necessary in agriculture, gardening and forest work to guarantee adequate yields, based on the objectives and activities established
Crop and livestock production
Among the objectives of the online agroecology course we highlight the following:- Provide the student in a quick and easy way with all the knowledge, skills and competences on environmental sustainability and environmental management.- Identify in a general way the most frequent contaminants that affect water, as well as master the latest techniques, models and wastewater treatments.- Know the different types of contamination in soils and the possible applicable treatments.- Identify the different types of waste generated by the different economic activities, the environmental problems that each of them presents - Know the most important aspects of renewable energy and energy efficiency.- Acquire the fundamentals related to the basic techniques for the management of agricultural exploitations with ecological methods and practices.- Expose energy saving and efficiency techniques applied to nitrogen fertilization, greenhouses and irrigation communities.- Acquire the basic fundamentals of organic farms considering the techniques to be applied, the regulations that regulate aid for their development and good practices
Crop and livestock production
- The objectives that are intended to be achieved in this Master's Degree in Organic Agriculture are the following:- Provide the student in a quick and easy way with all the knowledge, skills and competences on environmental sustainability and environmental management.- Identify in a general way the most frequent contaminants that affect water, as well as master the latest techniques, models and wastewater treatments.- Know the different types of contamination in soils and the possible applicable treatments.- Identify the different types of waste generated by the different economic activities, the environmental problems that each of them presents - Know the most important aspects of renewable energy and energy efficiency.- Manage the soil and carry out cultural and harvesting tasks on organic farms. - Drive tractors and assemble agricultural facilities, performing their maintenance.- Control and manage the health status of the agroecosystem.
Crop and livestock production
This Specialist Course in the Efficient Use of Water in the Agricultural Sector will facilitate the achievement of the following established objectives: - Know the technologies for managing irrigation - Know the characteristics of irrigation. - Know the use of water in different crops such as: olive groves, citrus fruits, beets, cotton, etc.
animal husbandry
Among the objectives of the livestock management course we highlight: - Prepare a mating plan adapted to the farm's resources, supervising its correct application and making the pertinent records throughout the reproductive process. - Use the different methods for the detection and confirmation of heat in breeding mares in order to ensure the ideal mating moment. - Use the different methods for the extraction, preparation, conservation and transport of the seminal doses to be used in matings by artificial insemination. - Use the different mating methods of confirmed mares in heat (natural mating or artificial insemination), to achieve satisfactory results in the number of pregnant mares.- Supervise the actions carried out with breeding mares during their gestation in order to maximize the number of births.- Evaluate the precise actions and provide the necessary means for the care of the mares during labor to ensure the normal development of the same.- Control the necessary actions to be carried out with the mother mares and their foals during the period lactation, to ensure their well-being. - Supervise the behavior patterns of the lactating foal and verify that the approach tasks by their caregivers are carried out at the appropriate time, form and place. - Organize and supervise the distribution of food, supplements and food additives to stallions, mares breeders and lactating foals to meet their feeding needs in each of the production phases.- Supervise the necessary sanitary measures and specific hygienic care to be carried out on stallions, breeding mares and lactating foals to keep them in an optimal state of health .- Establish the necessary actions for the identification, marking and registration of the foals in the pertinent records.- Organize and supervise the distribution of food, supplements and food additives to the breeding foals to satisfy their feeding needs in each one of the production phases.- Supervise the sanitizing measures necessary hygiene and specific hygienic care to be carried out on rearing foals to keep them in an optimal state of health.
animal husbandry
Among the objectives of the course in charge of livestock, the following stand out: - Control the management, location and transport of stallions, breeding mares and lactating foals to provide them with adequate well-being and obtain optimal performance within the farm. - Coordinate the necessary human resources in activities with stallions, breeding mares and lactating foals to guarantee adequate performance, based on the objectives and activities established. - Plan weaning and the activities that are carried out with the foals in the days after it. - Organize the incorporation of weaned foals to the rearing regime of the farm, and control their management and location during this productive phase. - Coordinate and control the necessary human resources in the weaning and rearing of foals to guarantee adequate yields, based on the objectives and activities established.
animal husbandry
- Describe the care in terms of feeding that must be provided to the new sows, breeders and piglets to obtain their optimal performance and according to the established protocols.- Define the health care that must be provided to the new sows, breeders and piglets to obtain their optimum performance.- Define the management care that must be provided to the new sows, reproducers and piglets to obtain their optimal performance.- Recognize the necessary actions in the detection of heat, mating, pregnancy, delivery, postpartum and lactation to optimize the reproductive behavior of sow breeders.- Identify the necessary actions in the birth, colostrum and lactation of piglets to achieve their maximum survival and optimal growth.- Describe the appropriate management measures in the boar to optimize its reproductive efficiency.- Detect possible alterations in individual or general health (of the farm), by observing signs, symptoms and pre-established parameters and applying the curative treatments prescribed by the physician.- Describe sample collection methods to help diagnose diseases.- Carry out the actions related to the preventive health program of the farm with the necessary diligence and the appropriate means.- Control the sanitary actions carried out on the animals and the correct state of storage and conservation of medicines through registration systems.- Adequately interpret medication prescriptions for their correct use and keep them according to current regulations
animal husbandry
The objectives to be achieved with this master's degree in animal husbandry are the following: - Learn the importance of animal husbandry and sustainable management. - Execute preparation, cleaning, disinfection, disinsection, rat extermination and conditioning operations of the livestock facilities programmed according to the needs and a correct elimination of waste and use of by-products. - Carry out first level assembly and maintenance operations (use) of livestock facilities with adequate security. - Regulate and operate machinery following occupational risk prevention standards to obtain reasonable performance.- Carry out animal production and management operations and/or organic animal products on an organic livestock farm, applying quality, sustainability and profitability criteria , complying with the current legislation on organic production, quality control and occupational risk prevention. - Assemble and maintain the facilities, machinery and equipment of the livestock farm. - Carry out rational livestock management operations on organic farms.- Produce organic animals and animal products.
animal husbandry
- Describe the operations of breeding, rearing and fattening in organic farming to obtain animals according to previously established criteria. - Carry out grazing operations for the sustainable use of herbaceous, shrub and tree resources, maintaining and improving the environment.
animal husbandry
The objectives of this Master in Livestock Auxiliary Operations will facilitate the achievement of the following established objectives: - Indicate the necessary equipment for the conditioning of livestock facilities and carry out the cleaning and disinfection operations necessary to maintain and/or prepare said facilities according to the instructions received. - Describe basic maintenance operations on facilities, machinery, equipment, supplies and tools and perform them, according to their level, in a clean and safe manner. - Identify and carry out the care that is carried out on the replacement animals to obtain their adaptation to the farm and their adequacy as reproducers. - Distinguish the systems for marking and/or identification of breeding and fattening animals according to the species and apply the management procedures necessary to carry them out.- Describe the methods of obtaining, transporting, storing and preserving production (animals for sale, products or by-products) of the livestock farm and carry out, at all times, the basic operations that proceed. - Define the state of general well-being and health of the animals and detect it through environmental control, feeding and the observation of characteristic signs, communicating the same according to established protocols.- Detail the basic operations of control of sick animals and carry out the correct application thereof. -Define livestock management operations in grazing systems and carry them out to take advantage of the grazing resources of the natural environment -Estimate, in view of the grazed food resources, the supplement needs and, in a practical case, prepare and distribute them sufficiently the same -List the first aid applied to grazing cattle when they suffer small traumatisms and injuries of little importance and apply them if necessary.
- Identify the ownership of agricultural, livestock or fishing operations and their requirements. - Know the formal and registry obligations of those affected by the Special Regime for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. - Recognize the causes of exclusion and waiver of the Special Regime for Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries. - Acquire new knowledge with a view to expanding and improving our work environment.
animal husbandry
This Course AGAN0108 will pursue the achievement of the following established objectives: - Execute operations of preparation, cleaning, disinfection, disinsection, rat extermination and conditioning of the livestock facilities programmed according to the needs and a correct elimination of waste and use of by-products. - Carry out first level assembly and maintenance operations (use) of livestock facilities with adequate security. - Regulate and operate with the machinery following the rules of occupational risk prevention to obtain a reasonable return. - Carry out animal production and management operations and/or organic animal products on an organic livestock farm, applying criteria of quality, sustainability and profitability, complying with current legislation on organic production, quality control and occupational risk prevention. . - Assemble and maintain the facilities, machinery and equipment of the livestock farm.- Carry out rational management operations for livestock on organic farms. - Produce organic animals and animal products
- Establish a program of actions to be carried out in the control of rearing and fattening animals newly admitted to a farm. - Verify that the actions carried out on breeding and fattening animals correspond to those established in a sanitary program, as well as carry out the necessary operations to preserve or restore the health of the animals.
- Carry out auxiliary reproduction operations in livestock. - Carry out auxiliary production management operations on livestock farms. - Carry out cattle grazing. - Carry out auxiliary operations of maintenance and handling of machinery and equipment in agricultural operations.
- Know the functions, procedures, techniques and instruments of the Judicial Expertise. - Know the different types of Expertise that we can find. - Interpret the mediation system and its importance in the involvement of those affected.- Describe the different methods of heat detection and pregnancy confirmation normally used in organic farming. - Describe the management protocol for females in the prepartum, parturition and postpartum phases. - List the most important data that must be collected in the records and fill in the sheets and control parts of matings and farrowing stalls. - List the main preventive measures that are routinely adopted in organic farming to maximize their health status. - Identify mandatory control actions describing vaccinations and deworming. - Apply preventive treatments against diseases.
animal husbandry
Among the objectives pursued by this Livestock Farm Manager Course we have: - Learn to manage the reproductive cycle and the management of offspring on the livestock farm. - Learn the basics of feeding, management and prevention of animal diseases. - Learn to carry out the tasks of maintenance and conditioning of the facilities of the cattle farm. - Know the basic regulations related to the management of livestock production. - Administrative and personnel management of the cattle farm.
- Know the figure of the monitor and determine the qualities and characteristics of the monitor. - Investigate and work for the elaboration of activities and itineraries in the field of work of the agrotourism monitor. - Point out the relevance of knowledge of rural tourism in the formation of agrotourism. - Determine what is agrotourism, its main characteristics and know what kind of activities are carried out in this type of tourism. - Study Spanish rural development and the current relevance given to environmental education.
animal husbandry
- Carry out animal management operations for their adaptation and adequacy to the ecological exploitation system. - List the documentation required of the animals on their entry and exit from the organic farm. - Indicate the main actions recommended in organic farming in the process of loading, unloading and transporting the animals. - Describe the quarantine procedures to preserve the health of the farm. - Organic livestock farming as a way of taking advantage of agro-forestry systems. - Introduction of organic cattle for the first time to build a herd or livestock. - Indicate the measures for animal protection, occupational risk prevention and management of animals in organic production.
The objectives to be achieved by carrying out this Course on Experimental Animals are the following: - Apply techniques for administering substances to animals and recording data, according to established protocols, safety regulations and risk prevention. - Specify factors that can interfere with the results of the experimental procedures, specifying abnormal animal signs and behaviors that must be detected so as not to alter the results of the procedures. - Analyze signs of suffering, pain and anguish in experimental animals, relating them to the alteration of physiological parameters. - Apply necropsy techniques in animals used in experimentation, collecting tissue samples and recording the data according to procedures for their postmortem evaluation. - Apply techniques for obtaining and storing research data through the use of manual and electronic systems
animal husbandry
- Define livestock management operations in grazing systems and carry them out to take advantage of the grazing resources of the natural environment. - Estimate, in view of the food resources grazed, the supplement needs and, in a practical case, prepare and distribute them sufficiently. - List the first aid applied to grazing cattle when they suffer small traumatisms and injuries of little importance and apply them if necessary.
animal husbandry
- Define the auxiliary operations that are carried out during the handling of the females to facilitate their mating. - Describe the basic and sanitary care that must be applied to females during the gestation period and, in a practical case, identify, in the animals, the specific signs of this productive phase. - Appoint and carry out the necessary care that must be provided to mothers and pups in the peripartum and delivery depending on the animal species. - Describe the necessary actions in the management of calves during the lactation period, applying them appropriately to achieve maximum survival and optimal lactation - Indicate the actions to be carried out with the stallions and carry them out to guarantee reproductive efficiency in a given species.
animal husbandry
This Practical Course on Animal Welfare for Farmers will facilitate the achievement of the following established objectives: - Identify and carry out the care that is carried out on replacement animals to obtain their adaptation to the farm and their adequacy as reproducers. - Distinguish the systems for marking and/or identification of breeding and fattening animals according to the species and apply the management procedures necessary to carry them out. - Detail the basic operations of control of sick animals and carry out the correct application of the same. - Describe basic maintenance operations on facilities, machinery, equipment, supplies and tools and perform them, according to their level, in a clean and safe manner.
animal husbandry
- Specify the handling that is carried out with the stallions to collaborate with the specialized personnel in the semen extraction process. - Specify the handling that is carried out with the stallions to collaborate with the specialized personnel in the process of covering the mares by natural mating. - Explain the management actions that are carried out with the breeding mares to collaborate with the specialized personnel in the processes of heat detection and covering of the same. - Specify the management that is carried out with the breeding mares to collaborate with the specialized personnel in the processes of confirmation and control of the gestation in them. Explain the management actions that are carried out with breeding mares and lactating foals to collaborate with specialized personnel at the time of delivery and in the days after it. - Explain the process of weaning the foals to facilitate their integration into the rearing regime of the farm. - Specify the handling to be carried out with the foals during their rearing to achieve a correct taming and development of the same.
animal husbandry
Among the objectives of this online course on the management and use of livestock machinery, we highlight the following: - Control the operations of preparation, cleaning, disinfection, disinsection, rat extermination, conditioning and maintenance of livestock facilities, scheduled according to the needs and proper disposal of waste and use of by-products. - Schedule the operations of maintenance of use, basic repairs and simple adaptations of the machines, material and equipment (tools and tools) of the livestock farm. - Control that the use of livestock machinery, facilities and equipment is adequate to avoid damage caused by misuse of it. - Control the operations of maintenance of use, basic repairs and simple adaptations of the machines, material and equipment (tools and tools) of the livestock farm.- Organize the installation and management of a workshop according to the maintenance and repair needs complying occupational risk prevention regulations - Prepare technical reports on the acquisition, renewal or disposal of machinery, equipment and facilities in a livestock company based on their profitability and the production plan. - Coordinate and control the necessary human resources in the maintenance and use of the facilities, machinery, material and equipment of the livestock farm, to guarantee adequate yields, based on the objectives and activities established.
animal husbandry
- Apply techniques for obtaining gametes and embryos and their transfer in experimental animals according to protocols. - Apply "in vitro" conservation techniques for gametes and embryos of experimental animal species using cryopreservation techniques.
Apply general or local anesthesia and analgesia procedures depending on the animal species and experiment.
animal husbandry
The main objectives of this Training Module MF2063_2 Feeding wild animals are: - Apply food handling techniques according to their forms of presentation so as to guarantee hygiene and food safety. - Apply techniques for preparing food and drink for wild animals, adjusting the food distribution according to the physiological requirements of each species and individual. - Specify possible incidents in the feeding of the animals indicating forms of registration and corrective measures. - Apply cleaning systems for feeders and food remains according to established protocols in order to maintain food hygiene throughout the process. - Apply animal euthanasia techniques following humanitarian methods and standards that guarantee animal welfare.
The fundamental objectives established for the BEEKEEPING COURSE are the following: - Determine the type of exploitation and install the apiary. - Carry out apiary management operations.- Obtain and condition the products from the hives.- Carry out honey and pollen packaging and storage operations.
animal husbandry
Specify the management that is carried out with the stallions to collaborate with specialized personnel in the semen extraction process. - Specify the handling that is carried out with the stallions to collaborate with the specialized personnel in the process of covering the mares by natural mating. - Explain the management actions that are carried out with the breeding mares to collaborate with the specialized personnel in the processes of heat detection and covering of the same. - Specify the management that is carried out with the breeding mares to collaborate with the specialized personnel in the processes of confirmation and control of the gestation in them. - Explain the management actions that are carried out with breeding mares and lactating foals to collaborate with specialized personnel at the time of delivery and in the days after it. - Explain the process of weaning the foals to facilitate their integration into the rearing regime of the farm. - Specify the handling to be carried out with the foals during their rearing to achieve a correct taming and development of the same. - Describe the techniques that are applied in the training of equine cattle for their participation in exhibitions and contests, according to the rules and regulations that govern each of these events. - Explain the preparation and conditioning work that is carried out with equine cattle to optimize their participation in the different exhibitions and contests. - Specify the management of equine cattle during their participation in exhibitions and contests, following the protocol established for each modality.
- Carry out operations for the reception of drums of honey and pollen, following the established traceability control procedures and techniques. - Carry out honey and pollen conditioning activities prior to packaging, applying the techniques and following the established traceability control procedures, and using the necessary equipment and means. - Carry out honey and pollen packaging operations, following the established traceability control procedures and batching of the final product, and using the necessary equipment and means. - Carry out storage tasks for packaged honey and pollen following traceability control procedures and batching of the final product. - Carry out cleaning, disinfection and environmental control operations of the honey and pollen packaging and storage facilities.
animal husbandry
- Program and determine the key aspects in the supervision of the conservation, preparation and distribution of food, as well as in the verification of the state of the means used, and prepare an annual programming, under criteria of economic profitability, of supplying a farm in based on the calculation of the needs in raw materials and materials used in the feeding of rearing and fattening animals. - Prepare a program for the organization of human resources in the production processes of rearing and fattening animals, based on the objectives and activities established.
animal husbandry
Through this master's degree in pig breeding, students will receive the appropriate knowledge to specialize in pig breeding, fattening and reproduction, as well as in the professional management of pig farms.
This course aims to provide the necessary knowledge for the management of swine reproduction.
animal husbandry
This course is intended to provide the necessary knowledge to manage equine livestock and care for it, as well as use and maintain the facilities, machinery and equipment, to achieve an optimal general condition of the animals and an adequate environment in the places of location of the same, attending to criteria of prevention of labor risks and protection of the environment.
animal husbandry
This course aims to provide the necessary knowledge for the control and organization of weaning and rearing foals.
animal husbandry
Apply routine management techniques for wild animals that facilitate their care and well-being by following protocols and standards for occupational risk prevention.- Apply operant conditioning techniques that facilitate the management and veterinary care of wild animals following protocols and regulations for occupational risk prevention
Crop and livestock production
Through this online agricultural course, students are offered the necessary training to learn everything related to the facilities, machinery and equipment used in a livestock farm.
Provide the necessary knowledge for the supervision of basic dressage and horse management for recreational, work and sports purposes, and in exhibitions and/or contests.
animal husbandry
Provide the necessary knowledge for the production of rearing and fattening pigs.
animal husbandry
Provide the necessary knowledge for the production of rearing and fattening pigs.
animal husbandry
Provide the necessary knowledge for the hygiene, care and physical maintenance of equine livestock.
animal husbandry
With this Master in Animal Welfare for Transporters, the necessary knowledge will be obtained for full compliance with the appropriate conditions when transporting livestock.
Acquire knowledge about animal health applicable to poultry farms for meat production.- Know the legal requirements that poultry farms producing meat must comply with in this regard.- Acquire the necessary knowledge to carry out the detection and kidnapping of sick animals
Provide the necessary knowledge for the immobilization and handling of wild animals.
Provide the necessary knowledge to obtain and prepare the products of the hives.
- Apply animal euthanasia techniques following humanitarian methods and standards that guarantee animal welfare.
Crop and livestock production
Composting, Economic values, biologic process,quimical properties, machinery involved, analysis, social ,
food production and processing
Beer fermentation process and taste rules.
food production and processing
Applied Tecnologies to milky products
How to extract essential oil from typical mediterranean bushes
fruit farming and viticulture
Growing Techniques in olive trees
fruit farming and viticulture
Prunning and grafting in vineyard crops
Crop and livestock production
Taste techniques in olive oil quality
agricultural business
Applied Economy in agriculture farms
animal husbandry
Cattle welfare: animal needs, cares, safety, labour risks, clean up means of transports
plant protection and conservation
Pest fighting: Pesticides, safety, application, risks (basic level)
plant protection and conservation
Pest fighting: Pesticides, safety, application, risks(higher level)
agricultural business
Training aimed at women in rural areas, an attempt will be made to increase digital skills by learning about digital processes and access to new technologies.
plant protection and conservation
Training in the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, their effects on health and the environment, pest management, or the rules that regulate their professional use. Obtain the necessary accreditation to certify obtaining the basic level phytosanitary product applicator card.
Course aimed at ranchers and farmers in the Community of Madrid interested in obtaining the certificate that allows the transport of live animals
agricultural business
Course aimed at women from rural Madrid with the aim of training in the use of new technologies and their application in carrying out procedures, in farm management, etc.
animal husbandry
Livestock management with the use of sheepdogs
plant protection and conservation
Training in the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, their effects on health and the environment, pest management, or the rules that regulate their professional use. Obtain the necessary accreditation to certify obtaining the basic level phytosanitary product applicator card.
animal husbandry
Course aimed at ranchers and farmers in the Community of Madrid interested in obtaining the certificate that allows the transport of live animals
animal husbandry
Course aimed at ranchers and farmers in the Community of Madrid interested in obtaining the certificate that allows the transport of live animals
plant protection and conservation
Training in the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, their effects on health and the environment, pest management, or the rules that regulate their professional use. Obtain the necessary accreditation to certify obtaining the basic level phytosanitary product applicator card.
plant protection and conservation
Training in the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, their effects on health and the environment, pest management, or the rules that regulate their professional use. Obtain the necessary accreditation to certify obtaining the basic level phytosanitary product applicator card.
animal husbandry
Course aimed at ranchers and farmers in the Community of Madrid interested in obtaining the certificate that allows the transport of live animals
plant protection and conservation
Training in the sustainable use of phytosanitary products, their effects on health and the environment, pest management, or the rules that regulate their professional use. Obtain the necessary accreditation to certify obtaining the basic level phytosanitary product applicator card.
animal husbandry
Carry out carcass cutting and deboning operations. Obtain portions and preparations of butcher and delicatessen products. Evaluate the price tags of the different quarterings or cuts
animal husbandry
Carry out carcass cutting and deboning operations. Obtain portions and preparations of butcher and delicatessen products. Evaluate the price tags of the different quarterings or cuts
animal husbandry
The necessary guidelines are developed for the objective assessment of animal welfare, from farms to slaughterhouses
Crop and livestock production
Have an advanced level of knowledge about the parameters and characteristics of the marine environment, and know how to apply this knowledge in specific situations, such as those present in the Mediterranean. Know about the most recent advances in ocean dynamics and apply them to the modelling of deep-ocean and surface circulation systems. Understand the components of planktonic, nektonic, and benthic communities as well as the trophic relationships that exist between them, and use this knowledge to understand the overall metabolism of marine ecosystems. Apply scientific methods and techniques for working in the marine environment, e.g., sampling and the subsequent analysis of samples in the laboratory. Assess the impact of humans on the marine environment: overfishing, pollution, beach reclamation, marinas, and the effects of bioaccumulation on marine biota. Apply criteria for assessing environmental indicators in order to come up with strategies related to environmental management, species conservation, and habitat encroachment. Use statistical tools to handle data that come from the marine environment. Design and run marine ecology projects.
agricultural machinery
The degree qualification that qualifies for the practice of the profession of Agricultural Technical Engineer grants attributions specific to the specialty that has been studied. Through this master's degree, the training received in the degree is complemented, and new skills are developed to be able to exercise the profession of Agricultural Engineer with all the professional attributions. The training program includes the acquisition of skills in technologies for the planning of the rural environment, plant and animal production, agri-food industries and management and organization of agri-food companies. In addition, to complement the training, an external practice subject is included to make contact with the agri-food sector, and the Final Master's Thesis, to carry out an integration exercise of the acquired knowledge that will be used in the exercise of the profession.
Animal-assisted interventions (IAAs) consist of taking advantage of the opportunities offered by interaction with animals (in this case, dogs and horses) to promote people's well-being, improve their mood and tone muscle, and work on motivation to learn and for behavioral change. The course offers theoretical and practical knowledge of the characteristics of dogs and horses that make them ideal species for these interventions. In addition to knowing the basics of IAA, coming into direct contact with dogs and horses and learning how to handle them, the bulk of the course consists of showing interventions in the different groups that can benefit from them, such as children with paralysis brain or functional diversity, adolescents with behavioral problems, adults with serious mental disorders or the elderly. Finally, the student will have to design an intervention program and carry it out.
food production and processing
Know the obligations of operators of plant material derived from the new European regulations on plant health. CONTENTS 1. Regulation (EU) 2016/2031, Royal Decree 1054/2021 and other legislation related 2. Delegated and executive acts. 3. Regulation of uniform conditions. 4. Relevant quarantine and regulated non-quarantine pests. 5. Case studies on the need for registration. 6. Case studies on Passport and Traceability.
agricultural business
Know the mandatory rules for proffesionals 1. Regulatory framework and application of Royal Decree 1311/2012. 2. Creation and operation of the Official Register of Producers and Operators of Phytosanitary Defense Means (ROPO). 3. Figure of the consultant in integrated pest management (GIP) (gardening and scope agricultural). 4. Training of professional users. Issuance, renewal and expiry of cards, training entities. 5. Official Register of Phytosanitary Products. Products included, excluded, authorized uses and areas of application. 6. Integrated pest management (IPM). 7. Inspection work of the Ministry of Agriculture, Environment and Territory in application of the Marketing and Use Surveillance Plans phytosanitary products. 8. The Plant Protection Associations (ADV) and the Groups of Integrated Treatments for Agriculture (ATRIA).
food production and processing
Know the basis of label foodstuff egulation 1. Basic legislation on labeling. 2. Mandatory mentions. 3. Conditional mandatory mentions. 4. Optional mentions. 5. Prohibited mentions. 6. Application and interpretation of regulations: practical cases.
agricultural business
Know the advantages and limitations of direct sales 1. Importance of direct selling. 2. Regulations of application. 3. Limitations of direct sales. 4. Labeling of direct sale products. 5. Marketing and communication of direct sales. 6. Experiences from other places.
Know the biocides principles and aplications: 1. Type definition, principles and actions. 2. Strategic biosecurity plan in pig farms. 3. Good practice and hygiene guides. 4. Location, design and isolation of farms. 5. Control of animals, people, food and water in the farm. 6. Handling of animals. 7. Permanent monitoring of the condition of the animals. 8. Cleaning and disinfection program. 9. Pest control and environmental sanitation. 10. Continuous staff training. 11. Activity records (food, medications, illnesses, analytics) 12. Associated legislation (Regulations and Royal Decrees)
food production and processing
Know the basis of quality wheat powder: 1. Casos pràctics d’aplicació d’etiquetatge de la nova norma de qualitat del pa. 2. Etiquetatge obligatori del pa, pastisseria i altres derivats de farina 3. Etiquetatge facultatiu del pa, pastisseria i altres derivats de farina (declaracions nutricionals i de propietats saludables). 4. Casos pràctics
fruit farming and viticulture
Know the basiss of new wine regulation and appelations. 1. Basic wine legislation. 2. Rights and duties of the winegrower. 3. Labeling. 4. Wine accounting. 5. Records and circulation documents. 6. Appellations of origin and geographical indications
plant protection and conservation
1. Agricultural, gardening and forestry pests. Pests and diseases present in the Balearic Islands. Quarantine plagues. And legal implications. Description in control methods. 2. Phytosanitary products. (National register of phytosanitary products in use professional List of active substances included and excluded. Identification of illegal phytosanitary products. New labeled CLP. Calculation of doses for direct estimation 3. Risks arising from the use of phytosanitary products. For the environment environment Measures to reduce the risk to people's health. Mixes in the countryside. Use of phytosanitary products in areas other than production agricultural 4. Integrated pest management (IPM) and training. User training professionals and sellers. Figure of the consultant in integrated management of pests 5. Pest control methods. Organic production: requirements, registration of Balearic farms. Integrated production: requirements, registration of Balearic farms. Decision-making in phytosanitary protection. Guides approved by MAGRAMA in Gip for crops. 6. Official register of producers and operators of phytosanitary defense means (ROPO). Operation of the ROPO, sections, documentation to present. Regulatory changes in Occupational Risk Prevention. Regulatory changes in Agricultural social security. 7. Phytosanitary product application equipment. Registration in ROME. Inspection of treatment equipment. Guidelines for preparing the team beforehand of the inspection. Application equipment review and calibration techniques. 8. Hygiene and traceability. Guide to good hygiene practices in production agricultural primary. Registration of phytosanitary product transactions: sections I and II of the ROPO. Customer contract: section II of the ROPO. Notebook exploitation: section IV of the ROPO. 9. Field practices. Choice of the appropriate phytosanitary product and calculation of doses Identification and use of PPE. Preparation, mixing, and application of the treatment. Cleaning of application equipment. Review and calibration of equipment of treatment
plant protection and conservation
Know complementary concepts of Phytosanitary products, use and normative: 1. Agricultural, horticultural and forestry pests. (Pests and diseases present in the Balearic Islands. Quarantine pests. Legal implications. Description and control methods). 2. Phytosanitary products. (National register of phytosanitary products for professional use. List of active substances included and excluded. Identification of illegal phytosanitary products. New CLP labeling. Calculation of doses by direct estimation. 3. Risks arising from the use of phytosanitary products. For the environment. Measures to reduce the risk to people's health. Mixtures in the field. Use of phytosanitary products in fields other than agricultural production. 4. Integrated pest management (IPM) and training. Training of professional users and sellers. Figure of the consultant in integrated pest management. Guides approved by MAGRAMA in GIP for crops. Official register of producers and operators of phytosanitary defense means. Exploitation notebook 5. Phytosanitary product application equipment. Registration in ROME. Inspection of treatment equipment. Guidelines for preparing the equipment before the inspection 6. Field practices. Choice of the appropriate phytosanitary product and dose calculation. Identification and use of PPE. Preparation, mixing and application of the treatment. Cleaning of application equipment
Know the basis of parasites and parasitic diseases in pigs 1. Parasitology and parasitic diseases: generalities. 2. Most common parasitic diseases of pigs in the Balearic Islands: parasites internal, and external parasites. 3. Health and productive importance. 4. Control, prevention and more effective treatments. 5. Antiparasitic resistance. 6. Clinical cases
food production and processing
Know the basis of olie oil trading and regulation 1. News brought by RD 760/2021 2. Traceability control and REMOA application 3. Analytical control: determinations and interpretation of results 4. Optional labelling: conditions and limitations 5. Practical cases
agricultural business
Basis of agricultural foodstuffs trading: 1. Brand concept. Brand type. The registration of a brand. Procedures of registration Conditions and limitations of the registration of a brand. 2. Collective marks and guarantee marks. Regulations of warranty marks. 3. Conflicts between registered trademarks and designations of origin i protected geographical indications. 4. Experience of using a guarantee brand in the agri-food sector Mallorca
animal husbandry
The objective of the Conference is train people in a series of tools necessary for conservation management and improvement productive of the breed. Livestock management of breeds autochthonous. Presentation of the project for incorporation a the labeled 100% native breed.. The experience in the management of populations through genetic diversity tools and the use of 100% labeling native race The black castellan bird breed. Tasting products of 100% livestock origin native race of the island of Ibiza. Internships -Management of Livestock farms native
animal husbandry
The objective of the Conference is train people in a series of tools necessary for conservation management and improvement productive of the breed. Inaugural conference Livestock management of breeds autochthonous Presentation of the first catalog of stallions. The example of the Mallorcan sheep The experience of three native races: • The Murcian-Granada goat breed (Murcia and Granada) • The Lojeña sheep breed (Granada, Andalusia) • The Marismeña cattle breed (Doñana, Andalusia) Tasting products of 100% livestock origin Native race of the island of Mallorca Internships -Management of Livestock farms native
animal husbandry
The objective of the Conference is train people in a series of tools necessary for conservation management and improvement productive of the breed. Livestock management of breeds autochthonous. Presentation of the project for incorporation a the labeled 100% native breed.. The experience in the management of populations through genetic diversity tools and the use of 100% labeling native race The black castellan bird breed. Tasting products of 100% livestock origin native race of the island of Ibiza. Internships -Management of Livestock farms native
1. Regulatory framework for honey. 2. Labeling of honey. Labeling Mandatory and Optional. 3. Beekeeping. Situation Balearic Islands Bee Farms. 4. Marketing Honey. Composition characteristics. 5. Practical cases.
animal husbandry
Instinct in dogs and its development. how to teach a dog: characteristics to review at the moment to educate and guide, from the beginning to the activity of grazing Importance of animal selection to recover the functionality and promote the promotion and conservation of the breed. Demonstration with the Cattle Dog. Practical part of the Conference in which some animals of the breed will be presented, and the trainer will evaluate the behavior of both the dog and the shepherd. After the practical day, the revision of the positive characters or aptitudes and weaknesses, and how to encourage or reduce them respectively.
1. Official control program of the hygienic conditions of production and traceability of the raw let (1 hour). 2. Selective drying: description, needs and critical factors (1.5 hours). 3. Hygiene and biosafety in dairy farms: learning by doing (1.5 hours). 4. Practical case workshop (1 hour)
sustainable resource management
1. Racial prototype of the Ca de Conill de Menorca. 2. Morphological assessment. 3. Evaluation of Movements. 4. Demonstration of morphological assessment and movement. Selection of quissons. 5. Putting into practice the knowledge acquired for thisto emphasize the concepts and procedures
Crop and livestock production
Grass species of interest Legume species of interest Phenological control. phenology status of the species Production control. Effects of environmental conditions
Crop and livestock production
Grass species of interest Legume species of interest Phenological control. phenology status of the species Production control. Effects of environmental conditions
agricultural regulation
Agricultural contract, obligations and conditions News of law 16/2021 How to establish the price of the agrarian contract Causes to terminate the contract Abusive practices
Crop and livestock production
Know the basis of Organic farming Unit 1: Introduction. Ecological foundations. Unit 2: Ecological foundations of agriculture. Unit 3: Work in agriculture. Unit 4: Soil organic matter. Unit 5: Green fertilizers. Unit 6: Biofumigation Unit 7: Solarization. Unit 8: Irrigation.
Crop and livestock production
Know the basis of Farm management Module 1. Economic management of the exploitation Module 2. Environmental aspects of agriculture Module 3. Agricultural crops
Crop and livestock production
Know the basis of irrigation management: 1. Introduction: general knowledge about water in nature. 2. Consultative use of water by crops: 3. The quality of water for irrigation: 4. Technologies and irrigation management: 5. Contribution of fertilizers and chemical products via irrigation: 6. Characteristics of irrigation. 7. The use of water in crops: olive, citrus, beet, cotton, rice, fruit trees, cereals, forage, etc. 8. The use of water in agricultural areas: uses other than irrigation in agricultural areas. 9. Legislation: water law, national hydrological plan, national irrigation plan, etc. 10.Practical exercises.
sustainable resource management
Know the basis of Renewable Energies applied to agricultural sector. Topic 1. Energy system and renewable energies Topic 2. Types of renewable energies Topic 3. Applications of renewable energies in the rural environment Topic 4. Applicable regulations
prevention of professional risks
Know the basis of Risk prevention applied to agricultural machinery. Topic 1. Basic concepts of safety and health at work. Regulatory framework. Topic 2. General risks and their prevention Topic 3. Specific risks in machinery Topic 4. Preventive measures applied to agricultural machinery Topic 5. Risk prevention with agricultural machinery Topic 6. Safety in agricultural machinery
prevention of professional risks
Know the basis of application of phytosanitary products Topic 1: Crop pests: classification, description Topic 2: Phytosanitary products. Active substances and commercial preparations Topic 3: Risks derived from the use of phytosanitary products for the environment Topic 4: Dangerousness of phytosanitary products for people's health Risks for the consumer due to residues of phytosanitary products Topic 5: Measures to reduce health risks. Topic 6: Practices of identification and use of PPE's Topic 7: Correct sequence during transport, storage and handling of plant protection products. Topic 8: Pest control methods, including alternative methods. Phytosanitary treatments. Mix preparation and application. Topic 9: Methods of application of phytosanitary products. Factors to take into account for an efficient and correct application. Topic 10: Application equipment description and operation. Topic 11: Cleaning, maintenance and periodic inspections of treatment equipment. Topic 12: Work-health relationship: regulations on prevention of occupational risks. Topic 13: Methods to identify illegal phytosanitary products and risks associated with their use. Violations, sanctions and crimes.
Crop and livestock production
Training stays for young farmers in agricultural or livestock farms from Oct22 to Jun23
Crop and livestock production
Preparation course for farmers for the conversion of traditional farms to organic
prevention of professional risks
Training course and improvement of agricultural tractor driving and handling for farmers and interested parties, with PRL.
prevention of professional risks
Course on cultural techniques and management of intensive facilities under plastic, with PRL
prevention of professional risks
Training course and improvement of agricultural tractor driving and handling for farmers and interested parties, with PRL.
fruit farming and viticulture
Course on pruning and maintenance of woody fruit species.
agricultural business
Course to improve digital skills for incorporation of agricultural companies
plant protection and conservation
Basic course on the application of agricultural pesticides.
plant protection and conservation
Qualified course on the application of agricultural pesticides.
Crop and livestock production
Course on sustainable use of irrigation water on farms.
Crop and livestock production
Course on sustainable use of irrigation water on farms.
Crop and livestock production
"Course on optimal soil resource management tools.
agricultural business
optimal soil resource management tools"
agricultural business
Digital tools course to improve online skills.
sustainable resource management
Course on techniques and procedures for the incorporation of new farmers to the company and agricultural exploitation.
animal husbandry
Introductory course on new energy sources and recycling procedures and techniques.
Crop and livestock production
Course on regulations and competencies for the correct livestock transport.
agricultural business
Counseling course for the incorporation of new farmers.
agricultural business
Course on new lines of action for food marketing.
agricultural business
Course on marketing strategies and techniques for agricultural products for export
agricultural business
NNTT course and digital transformation in the agricultural company.
agricultural business
Module for the acquisition of new skills in the agri-food company
agricultural business
Module for the acquisition of new skills for marketing and commercialization.
food production and processing
Module for improving skills in the phase of quality and food safety.
agricultural business
Module of improvement strategies in the balance of energy resources of the exploitation.
prevention of professional risks
Occupational risk prevention module in the agricultural and livestock sector.
agricultural business
Course on new technologies applied to traditional agricultural processes.
agricultural business
Course for competencies to fill out a field notebook for mandatory reviews.
agricultural regulation
Course for knowledge of new aid and crops for the CAP.
plant protection and conservation
Pesticide and PRL applicator course
agricultural machinery
Course for the acquisition and improvement of skills in the use of forest machinery and ORP
plant protection and conservation
Integrated and ecological pest control course for crops in said production.
plant protection and conservation
Technical course on plant health for the prevention and cure of pests and diseases.
Crop and livestock production
Expert course in new crop support technologies to improve their yield.
fruit farming and viticulture
Course on cultural techniques applied to the cultivation of the vine.
Crop and livestock production
Course on eco-compatible techniques for the improvement of agricultural exploitation.
animal husbandry
Training course for advisors in the changing panorama of agricultural and livestock farms.
NNTT course for the training of technicians and farmers in the primary sector.
Crop and livestock production
Course on improvement of water resource management, and modernization and modernization of irrigation techniques.
food production and processing
Certification course for agricultural and livestock products for their commercialization as organic.
Crop and livestock production
Introduction course to traditional and intensive production systems in the primary sector.
agricultural regulation
Course on livestock techniques to guarantee comprehensive health of livestock processes.
agricultural business
Management course to improve the economy of agricultural exploitation.
food production and processing
Specialized operator course for handling agri-food products in the company
Crop and livestock production
Course on eco-compatible techniques for the improvement of agricultural exploitation.
agricultural regulation
Agricultural techniques course to guarantee comprehensive health of agricultural processes
Crop and livestock production
The new European Regulation on EU fertilizers establishes the requirements that fertilizer products must meet for their sale in the European Union.
Crop and livestock production
The importance of Plant Physiology lies in the knowledge of the internal mechanisms, in order to be able to know their needs and respond appropriately, well considering environmental and nutritional factors.
plant protection and conservation
Introduction to plant breeding, agricultural systems, decision-making in agriculture, climatic factors that affect crop production, planting, water in agriculture, organic and mineral fertilization, and tillage.
plant protection and conservation
This course develops the theoretical and practical foundations necessary for the knowledge of the different groups of harmful agents that produce diseases in crops. The objective is to give a real view of plant health and learn about the main diseases of greatest agricultural importance, as well as the damage and symptoms caused by the main phytopathogenic agents. The existing crops are very numerous, as are the diseases that occur in each of them, which also vary from one place to another depending on the cultivation systems and the particular conditions of each land. For all this and with the aim of giving a global and specific vision of the diseases, the different crops have been grouped into 5 blocks that include Solanaceae, Cucurbits, Crucifers, the main industrial crops and cereals. The course is aimed at all those people related to agriculture, both farmers and field technicians or students who want to increase their knowledge of plant health by developing the necessary skills to analyze problems, design solutions and apply them in the different aspects that involve crop protection.
Crop and livestock production
This course addresses in a broad and general way, all the aspects on which Integrated Crop Production is based. To do this, it is divided into several thematic units that, in turn, are organized into sections with the intention of facilitating an in-depth study of each topic. This course includes topics that briefly review the background of plant protection for crops, emphasizing the problems of conventional chemical control. It also includes issues related to the management of integrated production farms, agronomic techniques in integrated production, integrated control of pests and diseases, occupational risk prevention in agricultural activity, current regulations on integrated production, and finally, production standards. integrated into processed products. The course is aimed at both technicians and farmers, as well as students and all those professionals related to the field of agriculture. Abrir en el Traductor de Google•Enviar comentarios Traductor de Google
plant protection and conservation
The use of beneficial organisms (pollinators, predators and parasitoids) in recent years has shown its usefulness in improving the quality of horticultural products, and in pest control in protected crops.
plant protection and conservation
This course develops and addresses in depth, and in a rational way, the breeding process of insects for use in biological pest control. Various aspects are covered, such as the biological agents used to control pests, the methods that exist for their breeding and handling, quality criteria, the necessary facilities for breeding and the types and components of the diets.
floriculture and gardening
This course addresses in a broad and general way, all aspects concerning the field of gardening, from the design phase of the garden itself to its subsequent maintenance. The course includes topics dedicated to a brief review of the history of gardening, briefly describing the different styles of it over the years. Issues related to the design, construction, planting and maintenance of the garden, to the installation of irrigation, to the different plant species that make up the garden (woody, herbaceous plants and grass), issues related to pruning, plant reproduction, main pests and diseases in the garden, machinery used in gardening, and finally, an issue of occupational risk prevention in the field of gardening.
Crop and livestock production
This course addresses in a broad and general way, all aspects concerning the production of plants in nurseries, describing all those details that condition the sector, from the establishment of the nursery itself to the sale of the plants produced. The course includes topics dedicated to nursery facilities, substrates and different types of containers or containers used, fertigation, plant propagation and current legislation in this sector.
plant protection and conservation
Basic-qualified bridging course on the sustainable use of phytosanitary products
plant protection and conservation
Course on sustainable use of phytosanitary products basic level
Crop and livestock production
Provide young people who join the agricultural and livestock activity with the necessary knowledge to carry out their activity in a professional, efficient and effective manner, as well as in a sustainable manner.
Crop and livestock production
Digitization is currently presented as an essential instrument for promoting the agri-food sector, offering new development opportunities through precision agriculture, IoT devices and artificial intelligence. The proposal is a consequence of assuming the importance of a deep process of innovation and digitization in the agri-food field to respond to the real demand of professionals who want to incorporate digital tools, also called 4.0, into their work processes. With this training it is intended: Train professionals in the sector in new agricultural technologies, facilitating the process of adaptation and implementation of the so-called Agriculture 4.0. Train in the use of technology for a more efficient use of resources.
Crop and livestock production
Know the different renewable energy alternatives and their application to farms. Reduce energy consumption on farms.Optimize production processes and the use of energy used in them.
fruit farming and viticulture
The purpose of this proposal is the teaching of a theoretical/practical course on the pruning and grafting of fruit trees and nuts. Pruning and grafting of trees are one of the most important and necessary operations in the area of ​​fruit and nut production, which is practiced frequently and is carried out routinely, sometimes without adequate knowledge to remove the best profit and respect the qualities of the crop itself. Therefore, a solid training must be acquired to carry out these cultivation operations on fruit trees and nuts.
plant protection and conservation
RPA remote pilots who wish to carry out specialized air operations for phytosanitary treatments must have an applicator pilot license, in accordance with the provisions of article 18 of Royal Decree 1311/2012. In addition, the remote pilot or the operator for whom he works must be registered in the Official Register of Producers and Operators of Phytosanitary Defense Means (ROPO), in the phytosanitary treatment sector.
Crop and livestock production
Provide knowledge and skills on the main techniques for decision-making such as remote sensing, soil analysis, sensors, etc. aimed at improving its management with a contribution of nutrients and sustainable irrigation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other polluting gases. Improve the biological properties of agricultural soils, thus preserving the biodiversity linked to them.
Crop and livestock production
Livestock as a tool to deal with the process of environmental degradation of the field and introduce carbon capture techniques
fruit farming and viticulture
Information management of a winery. Management of the traceability of a winery. Agriculture record books. Harvest statement. INFOVI, Market information system for the wine sector before the Food Information and Control Agency, AICA. SILICIE, sending information on movements to the Tax Agency (Excise Taxes). Excise tax accounting. SILICONE. Normative. Keeping of accounting records. Accompanying documents for wine products. Various Procedures before the Regulatory Councils
fruit farming and viticulture
This course develops and addresses in depth, and in a rational way, the most important aspects of olive cultivation, describing all those factors that condition this agrosystem. Various technical aspects are covered, including topics dedicated to the most used plant material (varieties and rootstocks), fertilization, planting, weed control and use of plant covers, pruning, phytosanitary control of physiopathies of recent incidence in the field, oil technology and table olive, etc.
fruit farming and viticulture
This course develops and addresses in depth, and in a rational way, the most important aspects of vine cultivation, describing all those factors that condition this agrosystem. To this end, the course has been divided into thematic blocks that deal with various technical aspects, including topics dedicated to the structure and functioning of the vine, the most used plant material (varieties and rootstocks), fertilization and irrigation, vineyard establishment, soil management and land use. of vegetal covers, conduction and pruning systems, phytosanitary control, etc.
fruit farming and viticulture
This course aims to broaden knowledge in a general and simple way, of all aspects related to Subtropical Fruit Growing, widely distributed in many countries. This course is intended to give an overview of the situation of Subtropical Fruit Growing, describing the main subtropical species cultivated today, highlighting aspects of their morphology, edaphoclimatic requirements, main varieties and existing patterns. Within the course, sections are developed concerning the main cultivation techniques carried out in each of the species; planting, fertilizing, irrigation, pruning, harvesting, conservation, common physiopathies and main pests and diseases present.
Crop and livestock production
This course develops the theoretical and practical foundations necessary for the knowledge of the different processes as well as industries derived from cereals. Despite the fact that it is difficult given the diversity and heterogeneity of the cereal processing industries, the objective is to delve into the most relevant industries that have cereals as raw material, delving into each of the phases that are carried out. The course is divided into three blocks: a first block in which the general aspects of cereals are studied, made up of the first three topics and two more blocks, one of them dedicated to the primary transformation industries in which the processes are detailed. both the flour and semolina industry, also devoting a topic to the rice industry. The third and last block is dedicated to the second transformation industries and it covers in depth the processes of making bread, beer and pasta.
fruit farming and viticulture
With the completion of this course, it is intended to achieve the general objective of acquiring the basic fundamentals of pruning techniques, according to the type of plant to be pruned and the type of pruning soil, taking into account the prevention of occupational hazards.
sustainable resource management
Energy efficiency, climate change and good environmental practices for the conservation and protection of rural heritage
During this course, it is intended to give an overview of the importance that extensive arable crops have in the economy of many countries. Within this large group of crops, those that acquire the greatest importance are cereals, fundamental both in human and animal nutrition and as raw material in numerous industries. Each of the topics that make up this course focus on the most important cereal species worldwide, highlighting their morphological and environmental characteristics, main existing varieties and cultivation techniques, among which stand out; the work of preparing the land, planting, fertilizing, irrigation and harvesting. There will also be a section in which the main pests and diseases will be collected, together with the physiopathies present in each of the crops.
fruit farming and viticulture
Free online course on Pruning Techniques, in which three key points will be covered: plant morphology and physiology, pruning techniques and risk prevention in the pruning technique.
Crop and livestock production
Free online course on Soil Management Tools. Geographic information systems with software (GvSIG). GIS, geographic information management, vector data geoprocessing or network analysis are just some of the points that will be covered in this course.
Crop and livestock production
This course develops and addresses in depth, and in a rational way, the ecological production process of the main domestic animal species (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, etc.), describing all those factors that condition these types of production units in the agroecosystem. Relevant aspects of organic livestock are dealt with, including issues dedicated to the animal base, feeding, reproduction, facilities and management and health, with a deep and detailed analysis of them.
animal husbandry
The objective of the following course is to make known the importance of bovine production for obtaining both milk and meat, in the different production systems established today, intensive and extensive systems. The production of bovine meat and milk are worldwide important, occupying the first positions of consumption. The topics that make up this course focus on the main existing cattle breeds, the main nutritional aspects and management techniques, emphasizing animal reproduction, main diseases and digestive disorders and the best accommodation and facilities necessary for optimal production. Also, there is a section that describes the main aspects and quality attributes in meat and cow's milk. Finally, there will be a topic related to animal welfare, an argument that is becoming more important every day in terms of animal production and breeding.
animal husbandry
This course is made up of a series of topics that address the main existing pig breeds and crosses, the most outstanding nutritional characteristics and management techniques in this production system, including artificial insemination and management of piglets; iron application, castration, etc. There are other topics that address diseases, parasites and the main housing and facilities in industrial pig farms. The factors that determine the quality of the meat and the main management techniques, dimensions, housing, etc., are also important today to achieve better animal welfare. The last topic refers to another type of important pig farm, such as Iberian pig breeding, exposing the main characteristics of this system.
animal husbandry
With the following course it is intended to give visibility to one of the production systems of global importance, such as goats, for obtaining milk, meat and fiber. This course develops the main differentiating characteristics between the intensive milk system and the extensive system, in goat breeding.
animal husbandry
With the following course it is intended to give visibility to one of the production systems of global importance, such as goats, for obtaining milk, meat and fiber. This course develops the main differentiating characteristics between the intensive milk system and the extensive system, in goat breeding.
animal husbandry
This course is made up of a series of topics that address the main existing poultry lines or breeds, the most outstanding nutritional characteristics and management techniques in this production system, highlighting aspects of reproduction, laying cycle, diseases, parasites and the main housing and facilities in industrial poultry farming. There is also a section that focuses on the factors that determine the quality of both chicken meat and chicken eggs, and another that describes the main actions that must be taken to achieve better poultry welfare. In the last topic, reference is made to another type of complementary poultry farming, highlighting the main characteristics of turkeys, ducks, quails, etc.
Crop and livestock production
Efficient use of water in the agricultural sector
plant protection and conservation
fruit farming and viticulture
Crop and livestock production
floriculture and gardening
Crop and livestock production
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
fruit farming and viticulture
floriculture and gardening
fruit farming and viticulture
agricultural business
fruit farming and viticulture
fruit farming and viticulture
floriculture and gardening
prevention of professional risks
prevention of professional risks
Crop and livestock production
By studying the AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE COURSE you will be able to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to increase your professional and personal projection. We are at your side so that you can improve through training and you can function more adequately in the complex economic environment in which we find ourselves.
floriculture and gardening
The objective of this course is to prepare you to increase your training in issues related to the most demanded content in the workplace. We suggest the training offered in this course as the best way to complete the professional profile of students interested in accessing the labor market. We also indicate that this course can improve the job profile of those who are working at this time, since the methodology offered is compatible with the usual job.
agricultural regulation
agricultural business
animal husbandry
plant protection and conservation
plant protection and conservation
prevention of professional risks
sustainable resource management
fruit farming and viticulture
agricultural regulation
fruit farming and viticulture
fruit farming and viticulture
fruit farming and viticulture
fruit farming and viticulture
Crop and livestock production
agricultural business
agricultural business
agricultural business
agricultural regulation
plant protection and conservation
agricultural machinery
fruit farming and viticulture
fruit farming and viticulture
Crop and livestock production
Crop and livestock production
Crop and livestock production
food production and processing
Crop and livestock production
Crop and livestock production
agricultural regulation
Crop and livestock production
floriculture and gardening
food production and processing
Crop and livestock production
Crop and livestock production
floriculture and gardening
plant protection and conservation
prevention of professional risks
Crop and livestock production
floriculture and gardening
Crop and livestock production
agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
food production and processing
fruit farming and viticulture
plant protection and conservation
fruit farming and viticulture
animal husbandry
Course of School of shepherds:
animal husbandry
Course of Grazing and management of small ruminants
Course of Traditional and artisan confectionery
Course of Artisanal and therapeutic soaps
food production and processing
food production and processing
Production of fresh cheeses and dairy products
fruit farming and viticulture
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
floriculture and gardening
Crop and livestock production
Crop and livestock production
agricultural machinery
plant protection and conservation
plant protection and conservation
Crop and livestock production
Crop and livestock production
Crop and livestock production
agricultural business
Incorporation of young people to the agrarian company.
Technical Conference on beekeeping: Brief history of the evolution of our knowledge of varroa / Control of varroa by queen cage / Control of varroa by scratching / Conventional controls and how to improve their efficiency / Adulterations in wax and its consequences for the bee
Crop and livestock production
COURSE ON ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN WOODY: Patterns and varieties / Bibliography PAE. Basic principles of organic farming / Fertigation / Pests and diseases / Organic almond tree management: Marketing / New almond tree varieties and pruning technique
Crop and livestock production
Electronic administration course applied to the agricultural and livestock sector
prevention of professional risks
On-demand course for member requirements from PRL, administration, animal welfare... etc.
prevention of professional risks
On-demand course for member requirements from PRL, administration, animal welfare... etc.
sustainable resource management
prevention of professional risks
On-demand course for member requirements from PRL, administration, animal welfare... etc.
Crop and livestock production
Know the basis of geographic information systems applied to agricultural sector.
Crop and livestock production
Know the basis of geographic information systems applied to agricultural sector.
crop and livestock production
Know the basis of geographic information systems applied to agricultural sector.
crop and livestock production
sustainable resource management
Crop and livestock production
Know the basis of sensory analysis of wines.
food production and processing
plant protection and conservation
Crop and livestock production
agricultural regulation
New PAC 2023-2027
Animal welfare regulations in the transport of live animals
animal husbandry
The objective is to promote practical knowledge of assisted reproduction systems through artificial insemination, mainly among breeders of the breed.
agricultural business
registration of phytosanitary treatments with the information specified in RD 1311/2012 on the sustainable use of phytosanitary products.
Crop and livestock production
Application of Inputs with Precision Agriculture
Crop and livestock production
ASAJA together with CEOE offer you training aimed at acquiring digital skills and abilities to improve your personal and professional life. It is a COURSE ON DIGITALIZATION (30 hours) ONLINE AND FREE.
agricultural regulation
One-day training sessions on the new community agricultural policy
This Veterinary Clinic Care Assistant course is adapted to the official regulations published in Royal Decree 140/2011, BOE No. 41 of February 17, 2011. Our students are known by the main companies in the sector, who request them for practices (and in many cases, for recruitment). At the end you will have the title of Care Assistant in Veterinary Clinics, and the corresponding certificates. You will have the right to 320 hours of internship in companies in the sector, with real possibilities of getting a job.
The theoretical and practical knowledge essential to practice this profession. You will improve your technical skills in the exercise of daily tasks, as a professional in the world of veterinary medicine and establishments dedicated to animals.
At the end of the course, you will be an assistant in an equine clinic, as a veterinarian's assistant in caring for horses, in preventive medicine tasks, first aid and maintenance of facilities and especially as an operating room assistant. The Equestrian Veterinary Technical Assistant -ATVE- course is especially aimed at all those who want to work with horses in their more practical and vocational aspects
animal husbandry
This course is aimed at providing knowledge and technical means to people who want to dedicate themselves professionally to teaching horsemanship. Our standard is to pursue excellence in training, so that a monitor certified by our centre always has more professional possibilities than others with training that does not have the endorsement of our seal.
animal husbandry
This horse handler course (face-to-face, in Madrid) follows the BOE specifications for this training. Our students are known by the main companies in the sector, who request them for internships (and in many cases, for hiring). At the end you will have the Horse Caretaker diploma, and the corresponding certificates.
animal husbandry
Animal welfare regulations in the transport of live animals
plant protection and conservation
Free course that is developed from home with Virtual Classes by Videoconference, aimed at both the Self-Employed, as well as workers in an ERTE/ERE Situation of any professional sector, as well as workers in the Agriculture and Livestock Sector or the Social Economy, without credit charge and without the need for authorization from your company.
food production and processing
FREE course approved as a certificate of professionalism by the SEPE, you will learn to develop your activity in the areas of care and maintenance of facilities and equipment and in tasks related to internal transport and storage. This course will train you to work in Food Industries, a booming sector and in which the labor demand for professionals is increasing.
agricultural regulation
Not available
animal husbandry
Emagister adds this course with face-to-face classes in Madrid to its training catalogue. With this course you will be able to learn how to handle equine livestock and care for it, as well as use and maintain the facilities, machinery and equipment, to achieve an optimal general condition of the animals and a suitable environment in the places where they are located. , according to criteria of prevention of occupational risks and protection of the environment
Crop and livestock production
Acquire the fundamentals related to the basic techniques for managing farms with ecological methods and practices.
sustainable resource management
Savings and energy efficiency are key aspects to improve profitability in any business. That is why Emagister adds a key course to its extensive catalog for you to achieve good profitability. The Energy Saving and Efficiency in Agriculture course is taught by Aspasia, in an online modality with a short duration. In just one day you can acquire the key concepts to achieve good savings and proper efficiency in your business. At the end you will have access to a certificate of attendance granted by the centre
Crop and livestock production
The objective of this course is to give a basic qualification to the people who manage or wish to create agricultural companies, giving them skills in key areas: management of people; economic and budgetary management; marketing and merchandising; digitization, etc.
Crop and livestock production
Theoretical-practical course with general training on the basic concepts and necessary for the start-up of an exploitation of extensive crops.
Crop and livestock production
Theoretical-practical course with general training on the basic concepts and necessary to start a horticultural company: soil, plant, water, fertilizers, crop mechanization, irrigation facilities, greenhouses, machinery, introduction to hydroponics, ecological, integrated production, horticultural crops, management of a exploitation, phytopathology, fruit growing, ornamental plant production.
fruit farming and viticulture
Modular structure. Viticulture: soils, subscribers, irrigation, treatments, pruning, etc. Environmental module. Oenology: production, process control. Tasting. Management.
animal husbandry
Acquire knowledge about the management of a poultry farm: facilities and equipment, regulations, food, zoonoses, animal welfare, environmental management, profitability, production models, etc.
plant protection and conservation
Theoretical-practical course in which you work and deepen everything related to treatments with phytosanitary products: characteristics and types of pesticides, danger to public, environmental and personal health, legislation, design of treatments.
agricultural regulation
Comprehensive analysis of organizations in order to advance towards equality of opportunities, increasing the participation of women in decision-making spheres of decisions of the agrarian and rural sector as stated in the legislation established by the Department of Economic Development, Sustainability and Environment, among the which is the development of the Statute for Women Farmers, and equality of opportunities for women and men.
plant protection and conservation
Pests and diseases of crops Pest and disease control methods. Application of phytosanitary control methods in plants, soils and calibration Models of prediction for decision-making Visit to farm to identify bad herbs
Crop and livestock production
Through a methodology based on group debate and the practical transmission of their experience, the steps to take to start in organic farming.
Crop and livestock production
Regenerative agriculture is a conservation and rehabilitation approach to food and agricultural systems. It focuses on the regeneration of the upper layer of the soil, increasing biodiversity, improving the water cycle, increasing the resilience to climate change, and strengthening the health and vitality of agricultural land, as be it for forage crops, cereals or use by tooth.
agricultural machinery
Legislation. Main accidents with agricultural vehicles. Danger points and zones. Tractor hydraulic systems. Daily security checks. Protections anti-tilt. Highway driving safety. Use of chemicals in agriculture. Ergonomics
prevention of professional risks
Action protocols in case of accidents in forestry work in places of Hard access
fruit farming and viticulture
Know the different tree measurement systems and data processing for the cubing of wood, according to the regulations in force
agricultural machinery
The objective of the course is the training of professionals in the use and management of the chainsaw in order to accredit their skills and obtain the European License of Chainsaw operator, ECC1, chain saw maintenance and bucking techniques to reduce accidents and economic costs and improve and enhance skills and efficiency at work.
agricultural machinery
Forest skidder: basic maintenance and safe handling.
Crop and livestock production
Short course on olive trees pruning. Topics: general pruning concepts, pruning machinery
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on vines pruning. Topics: morphology and identification of vine organs, pruning rules, training pruning, conversion pruning, the vine-growing environment, pruning system, pruning seasons, wood diseases, pruning mechanisation.
Crop and livestock production
Short course on olive tree crops irrigation. Topics: general concepts of olive groves irrigation, localized irrigation, fertigation in olive groves, irrigation scheduling, management of irrigation scheduling application in olive groves
Crop and livestock production
Course on organic farming. Topics: background, regulations, certificates on production, fertilisations, biodiversity, seeds, pest and diseases control, organic livestock breeding, organic products commerce, conversion process to organic farming
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on integrated production. Topics: basic concepts on integrated production, management of integrated production farms, use of the computer application for the registration of farms in integrated production PRIN Móvil, agronomic and livestock techniques in integrated production, integrated pest and disease control, prevention of occupational and environmental risks, regulations
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal handling, their welfare, pig farms facilities, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding poultry. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding rumiant cattle. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding rumiant cattle. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on pig breeding. Topics: pig production characteristics, animal health, hygiene and biosecurity, management, environmental and climate change management of farms, regulations
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on vines pruning. Topics: vine organs, pruning rules, pruning practices, formative pruning
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 2) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 3) Associations and marketing, 4) Agrarian business, 5) Accounting and introduction to computering, 6) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 7) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 2) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 3) Associations and marketing, 4) Agrarian business, 5) Accounting and introduction to computering, 6) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 7) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Crop and livestock production
Short course on soil management in olive groves. Topics: soil types, improvements and amendments; fertilisation; tillage, minimal tillage and mulching
Crop and livestock production
Short course on soil management in olive groves. Topics: soil types, improvements and amendments; fertilisation; tillage, minimal tillage and mulching
Crop and livestock production
Short course on soil management in olive groves. Topics: soil types, improvements and amendments; fertilisation; tillage, minimal tillage and mulching
Crop and livestock production
Short course on olive tree crops irrigation. Topics: general concepts of olive groves irrigation, localized irrigation, fertigation in olive groves, irrigation scheduling, management of irrigation scheduling application in olive groves
Crop and livestock production
Short course on olive tree crops irrigation. Topics: general concepts of olive groves irrigation, localized irrigation, fertigation in olive groves, irrigation scheduling, management of irrigation scheduling application in olive groves
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on organic olive growing. Topics: basic concepts on organic farming, weed control, planting and pruning, irrigation, pests diseases and pathologies, pest and disease control, control strategies in organic farming, harvesting
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on organic olive growing. Topics: basic concepts on organic farming, weed control, planting and pruning, irrigation, pests diseases and pathologies, pest and disease control, control strategies in organic farming, harvesting
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of almond trees. Topics: regulations, agronomic characteristics and plant material, land preparation, sowing/planting, amendments and fertilisation, soil and ground cover management, pruning/thinning, crop water requirements and irrigation management, integrated pest and disease control, harvesting and post-harvesting, specific machinery for crop cultivation and phytosanitary treatments, other cultural practices, training programme (farm visits, handling of machinery and application equipment, handling of specific computer programmes TRIANA and SAR)
Crop and livestock production
Advanced course on olive groves management, open to international students. Many practical contents are included. Topics: - The olive tree as a plant. Annual cycle. Olive growing in the world. - Botany and morphology. Flowering, fruiting and ripening. - Propagation methods and plant certification. - Genetic improvement programmes and breeding of new varieties. World Germplasm Bank. - The growing environment. Climate, soil. - Planting design and execution. - Pruning techniques and types of pruning. - Soil management and erosion defence systems. - Nutrition and diagnosis of needs. - Fertilisation techniques to reduce inputs. - Water requirements and irrigation systems. Deficit irrigation techniques. Use of poor quality water. - Use of by-products as amendments. - Management of adventitious flora. - Pests and diseases. - Means of application of phytosanitary treatments. - Integrated and ecological production. - Machinery for harvesting and application of phytosanitary products. - Precision olive growing.
Crop and livestock production
The purpose of this specialized course is training advisers to help people in organic olive groves, including topics such as organic olive growing in Andalucía, pest and diseases management, fertilisation, soil management and other management techniques
Plant protection and conservation
Skills in the integration in the primary sector of young farmers, knowledge of the cross-compliance (the set of rules that every farmer receiving contributions made available by the Common Agricultural Policy must comply with), integrated pest management, characterization, management and conservation of soils depending on climate change, general and specific occupational risks on the farm
Plant protection and conservation
Skills in the integration in the primary sector of young farmers, knowledge of the cross-compliance (the set of rules that every farmer receiving contributions made available by the Common Agricultural Policy must comply with), integrated pest management, characterization, management and conservation of soils depending on climate change, general and specific occupational risks on the farm
Plant protection and conservation
Skills in the integration in the primary sector of young farmers, knowledge of the cross-compliance (the set of rules that every farmer receiving contributions made available by the Common Agricultural Policy must comply with), integrated pest management, characterization, management and conservation of soils depending on climate change, general and specific occupational risks on the farm
Animal husbandry
Course to teach how to handle animals in transportation. Topics: adult training, didactic methology, animals physiology, animals transportation, procedures, animal wellfare, safety transport laws, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Course to teach how to apply pesticides and which are the risks to people and the environment. Topics: Spanish and regional legislation on pesticide applicator's licence, protection equipment, pest and disease control, adult training
This course deals with the study of pasturelands in Andalusia. Main topics are: new administrative tools for dehesa management, holm oak ecology, tree regeneration cycle, factors limiting regeneration and current status in Andalusian dehesas, support for regeneration, plant diversification in the dehesa, types of pruning, pruning-related diseases, factors affecting acorn production, Andalusian regulations, occupational risk prevention in pruning and tree pruning practices
This course is about natural pastures and their management in order to improve their grass production for animals. The main topics developed are the fertilization of the pasture, the sowing of herbaceous species good to eat, how they are harvested and how they are preserved
Food production and processing
This extensive theoretical and practical course trains students to work as specialists in cheese dairies. The following modules are taught: 1) Reception and storage of milk, 2) Reception and storage of auxiliary raw materials, 3) Occupational risk prevention and environmental impact of the dairy industry, 4) Installations and machinery, 5) Basic operations, 6) Production of fresh cheese, 7) Production of mature cheese, 8) Professional practices, 9) Quality control, 10) Diversification and innovation in cheese production, 11) Associations and labour relations in the cheese company, 12) Marketing of dairy products, 13) Economics of the cheese company
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding poultry. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding rumiant cattle. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding horses. It provides knowledge regarding animal breeding, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on slaughterhouses. This course provides knoledge about dealing with the suffering of animals during their transportation and their stay at the slaughterhouses and about hygiene standards
Animal husbandry
This short course is related to the welfare of cows, pigs and poultry
Agricultural business
This course trains students to run or work in dairy plants. The following modules are taught: 1) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 2) Accounting and introduction to computering, 3) Associations and marketing, 4) Agrarian business
Agricultural business
This course trains students to run or work in dairy plants. The following modules are taught: 1) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 2) Accounting and introduction to computering, 3) Associations and marketing, 4) Agrarian business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on beekeeping. The following modules are taught: 1) Apiary facilities and management, 2) Beekeeping potential and production, 3) Beekeeping pathology
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based livestock farming. The following modules are taught: Agrarian business, Associations and marketing, Accounting and introduction to computering, Business relations and labour risk prevention, Livestock facilities and management, Feeding. Fodder production and conservation, Breeding management. Lactation, breeding and reproduction, Livestock health and hygiene
Agricultural business
This course trains students to run or work in dairy plants. The following modules are taught: 1) Livestock facilities and management, 2) Fodder feeding, production and conservation, 3) Breeding, lactation, rearing and rearing management, 4) Livestock and milk health and hygiene
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on applying phytosanitary products on crops. It is addressed to fumigators. Includes both theorical and practice contents
Crop and livestock production
Short course on soil management in olive groves. Topics: soil types, improvements and amendments; fertilisation; tillage, minimal tillage and mulching
Crop and livestock production
Short course on olive trees pruning. Topics: general pruning concepts, pruning machinery
Crop and livestock production
Short course on olive trees pruning. Topics: general pruning concepts, pruning tecniques
Crop and livestock production
Short course on olive tree crops irrigation. Topics: general concepts of olive groves irrigation, localized irrigation, fertigation in olive groves, irrigation scheduling, management of irrigation scheduling application in olive groves
Agricultural machinery
This short course deals with the sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture, including contents such as nitrogen fertilisation, good practices in water and fertiliser management, techniques and tools for monitoring the nutritional and water status of crops, nitrogen balance and practical contents about the calculation of fertilisation and fertigation for different crops and interpretation of soil, plant, water and nutrient solution analyses
Agricultural machinery
This short course deals with the sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture, including contents such as nitrogen fertilisation, good practices in water and fertiliser management, techniques and tools for monitoring the nutritional and water status of crops, nitrogen balance and practical contents about the calculation of fertilisation and fertigation for different crops and interpretation of soil, plant, water and nutrient solution analyses
Agricultural machinery
This short course deals with the sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture, including contents such as nitrogen fertilisation, good practices in water and fertiliser management, techniques and tools for monitoring the nutritional and water status of crops, nitrogen balance and practical contents about the calculation of fertilisation and fertigation for different crops and interpretation of soil, plant, water and nutrient solution analyses
Agricultural machinery
This short course deals with the sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture, including contents such as nitrogen fertilisation, good practices in water and fertiliser management, techniques and tools for monitoring the nutritional and water status of crops, nitrogen balance and practical contents about the calculation of fertilisation and fertigation for different crops and interpretation of soil, plant, water and nutrient solution analyses
Agricultural machinery
This short course deals with the sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture, including contents such as nitrogen fertilisation, good practices in water and fertiliser management, techniques and tools for monitoring the nutritional and water status of crops, nitrogen balance and practical contents about the calculation of fertilisation and fertigation for different crops and interpretation of soil, plant, water and nutrient solution analyses
Agricultural machinery
This short course deals with the sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture, including contents such as nitrogen fertilisation, good practices in water and fertiliser management, techniques and tools for monitoring the nutritional and water status of crops, nitrogen balance and practical contents about the calculation of fertilisation and fertigation for different crops and interpretation of soil, plant, water and nutrient solution analyses
Agricultural machinery
This short course deals with the sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture, including contents such as nitrogen fertilisation, good practices in water and fertiliser management, techniques and tools for monitoring the nutritional and water status of crops, nitrogen balance and practical contents about the calculation of fertilisation and fertigation for different crops and interpretation of soil, plant, water and nutrient solution analyses
Agricultural machinery
This short course deals with the sustainable management of nitrogen in agriculture, including contents such as nitrogen fertilisation, good practices in water and fertiliser management, techniques and tools for monitoring the nutritional and water status of crops, nitrogen balance and practical contents about the calculation of fertilisation and fertigation for different crops and interpretation of soil, plant, water and nutrient solution analyses
Animal husbandry
This extensive theoretical and practical course trains students to work as shepherds. The following modules are taught: 1) Shepherd, livestock and pastoralism, 2) Livestock facilities and management. Livestock farming linked to the land, 3) Management of reproduction, lactation, breeding and rearing, 4) Agrarian business, 5) Business relations and prevention of occupational hazards, 6) Practical work on shepherd farms, 7) Feeding. Production and conservation of fodder, 8) Feeding in pastoralism. Environmental role of the shepherd, 9) Livestock health and hygiene, 10) Associations and marketing, 11) Accounting and introduction to computer science
Animal husbandry
Short course on mountain livestock farming. Topics: innovations in the management of mountain and extensive livestock farming, product marketing, environment and mountain and extensive livestock farming
Animal husbandry
Short course on pig breeding. Topics: pig production characteristics, animal health, hygiene and biosecurity, management, environmental and climate change management of farms, regulations
Animal husbandry
Short course on pig breeding. Topics: pig production characteristics, animal health, hygiene and biosecurity, management, environmental and climate change management of farms, regulations
Crop and livestock production
Course on organic farming. Topics: background, regulations, certificates on production, fertilisations, biodiversity, seeds, pest and diseases control, organic livestock breeding, organic products commerce, conversion process to organic farming
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on integrated production. Topics: basic concepts on integrated production, management of integrated production farms, use of the computer application for the registration of farms in integrated production PRIN Móvil, agronomic and livestock techniques in integrated production, integrated pest and disease control, prevention of occupational and environmental risks, regulations
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on integrated pest management. Topics: integrated pest management and plant health, integrated disease and weed management, field practices
Food production and processing
Short and specialised course on olive oil tasting
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding poultry. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding rumiant cattle. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on applying phytosanitary products on crops. It is addressed to fumigators. Includes both theorical and practice contents
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Associations and marketing, 3) Accounting and introduction to computering, 4) Soil, nutrition and environment, 5) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 6) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 7) Cultivation techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Soil, nutrition and environment, 2) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 3) Cultivation techniques
Crop and livestock production
Short course dealing with physical and chemical characteristics of soil, greenhouses, soil disinfection, plant nutrition and soil salinity content
Agricultural business
This course trains students to run or work in dairy plants. The following modules are taught: 1) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 2) Accounting and introduction to computering, 3) Associations and marketing, 4) Agrarian business
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 2) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 3) Associations and marketing, 4) Agrarian business, 5) Accounting and introduction to computering, 6) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 7) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 2) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 3) Associations and marketing, 4) Agrarian business, 5) Accounting and introduction to computering, 6) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 7) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Soil, nutrition and environment, 3) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Cultivation techniques, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Business relations and labour risk prevention
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on integrated pest management. Topics: integrated pest management and plant health, integrated disease and weed management, field practices
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on integrated pest management. Topics: integrated pest management and plant health, integrated disease and weed management, field practices
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on integrated pest management. Topics: integrated pest management and plant health, integrated disease and weed management, field practices
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on integrated pest management. Topics: integrated pest management and plant health, integrated disease and weed management, field practices
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding rumiant cattle. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding (rabbits and other secies). It provides knowledge regarding animal breeding, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on pig breeding. Topics: pig production characteristics, animal health, hygiene and biosecurity, management, environmental and climate change management of farms, regulations
Animal husbandry
Short course on pig breeding. Topics: pig production characteristics, animal health, hygiene and biosecurity, management, environmental and climate change management of farms, regulations
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on applying phytosanitary products on crops. It is addressed to fumigators. Includes both theorical and practice contents
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of industrial tomatoes. Topics: regulations; industrial tomatoes crops (agronomic characteristics, soil preparation, sowing); varieties, amendments and fertilisation; industrial tomatoes in integrated production; pest, disease and weed control; irrigation, harvesting and post-harvesting avaluation, field practice and computer programme TRIANA
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on integrated production. Topics: basic concepts on integrated production, management of integrated production farms, use of the computer application for the registration of farms in integrated production PRIN Móvil, agronomic and livestock techniques in integrated production, integrated pest and disease control, prevention of occupational and environmental risks, regulations
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of winter cereals. Topics: regulations; winter cereal crops (agronomic characteristics, soil preparation, sowing); varieties, amendments and fertilisation; winter cereal protection in integrated production; pest, disease and weed control; irrigation, harvesting and post-harvesting avaluation, field practice and computer programme TRIANA
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Soil, nutrition and environment, 3) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 4) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level, 5) Cultivation techniques, 6) Associations and marketing, 7) Accounting and introduction to computering, 8) Business relations and labour risk prevention
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Soil, nutrition and environment, 2) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level, 3) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 4) Cultivation techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based livestock farming. The following modules are taught: Agrarian business, Associations and marketing, Accounting and introduction to computering, Business relations and labour risk prevention, Livestock facilities and management, Feeding. Fodder production and conservation, Breeding management. Lactation, breeding and reproduction, Livestock health and hygiene
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on organic farming. The following modules are taught: 1) Introduction and conversion to organic farming, 2) Soil and water management in agro-systems, 3) Agrarian business, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Biodiversity management, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Plant protection
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding rumiant cattle. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding rumiant cattle. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding (rabbits and other secies). It provides knowledge regarding animal breeding, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on pig breeding. Topics: pig production characteristics, animal health, hygiene and biosecurity, management, environmental and climate change management of farms, regulations
Animal husbandry
Short course on pig breeding. Topics: pig production characteristics, animal health, hygiene and biosecurity, management, environmental and climate change management of farms, regulations
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on integrated production. Topics: basic concepts on integrated production, management of integrated production farms, use of the computer application for the registration of farms in integrated production PRIN Móvil, agronomic and livestock techniques in integrated production, integrated pest and disease control, prevention of occupational and environmental risks, regulations
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on integrated production. Topics: introduction to integrated production, traceability and food safety, management of agri-food handling and processing centres under integrated production, technical requirements, prevention of occupational and environmental risks
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of olive oil in oil mills. Topics: regulations; olive oil processing, composition and quality of virgin olive oil, general hygiene plans, HACCP system, auditing
Crop and livestock production
Short course on olive oils: quality and factors that influence it, regulation, sensorial analysis
Food production and processing
Course aimed at training oil press masters. It includes contents such as oil regulations, EVOO composition, olive characteristics, oil mill yard management, paste preparation, milling and beating, phase separation (centrifugation and clarification), oil mill controls, support techniques, oil filtration and storage, clarification, hygienic practices in the oil mill, etc.
Food production and processing
Course aimed at training oil press masters. It includes contents such as oil regulations, EVOO composition, olive characteristics, oil mill yard management, paste preparation, milling and beating, phase separation (centrifugation and clarification), oil mill controls, support techniques, oil filtration and storage, clarification, hygienic practices in the oil mill, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based livestock farming. The following modules are taught: Livestock facilities and management, Feeding. Fodder production and conservation, Breeding management. Lactation, breeding and reproduction, Livestock health and hygiene
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on citrus trees pruning. Topics: morphology and physiology of the tree, types of pruning, time and intensity of pruning, current trends in mechanised pruning, types of cuts and special operations, tools and their disinfection, prevention of occupational hazards, pruning practices in the field
Fruit farming and viticulture
Course on integrated production of citrus trees. Topics: regulations; citrus crops (agronomic characteristics, soil preparation, sowing); varieties, amendments and fertilisation; winter cereal protection in integrated production; pest, disease and weed control; irrigation, harvesting and post-harvesting avaluation, field practice and computer programme TRIANA
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on integrated production. Topics: basic concepts on integrated production, management of integrated production farms, use of the computer application for the registration of farms in integrated production PRIN Móvil, agronomic and livestock techniques in integrated production, integrated pest and disease control, prevention of occupational and environmental risks, regulations
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Soil, nutrition and environment, 3) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Cultivation techniques, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on citrus trees pruning. Topics: morphology and physiology of the tree, types of pruning, time and intensity of pruning, current trends in mechanised pruning, types of cuts and special operations, tools and their disinfection, prevention of occupational hazards, pruning practices in the field
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on citrus trees pruning. Topics: morphology and physiology of the tree, types of pruning, time and intensity of pruning, current trends in mechanised pruning, types of cuts and special operations, tools and their disinfection, prevention of occupational hazards, pruning practices in the field
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on citrus trees graft, including topics such as the morphology of the trees and the types of grafting, the criteria of execution, and the occupational risks during the execution
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding (rabbits and other secies). It provides knowledge regarding animal breeding, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding (rabbits and other secies). It provides knowledge regarding animal breeding, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on applying phytosanitary products on crops. It is addressed to fumigators. Includes both theorical and practice contents
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on organic farming of citrus fruits. It includes topics related to general organic cultivation, certification, and specific citrus farming techniques and tools.
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on organic farming of citrus fruits. It includes topics related to general organic cultivation, certification, and specific citrus farming techniques and tools.
Crop and livestock production
Course on organic farming. Topics: background, regulations, certificates on production, fertilisations, biodiversity, seeds, pest and diseases control, organic livestock breeding, organic products commerce, conversion process to organic farming
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of cotton. Topics: Integrated cotton production, cotton cultivation (current situation, physiology, varieties, cotton fibre), regulations, Phytosanitary Alert and Information Network (RAIF), publications, pest, disease and weed control, authorised treatments, ATRIA-Cotton software, certification in integrated cotton production, field visit
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of cotton. Topics: Integrated cotton production, cotton cultivation (current situation, physiology, varieties, cotton fibre), regulations, Phytosanitary Alert and Information Network (RAIF), publications, pest, disease and weed control, authorised treatments, ATRIA-Cotton software, certification in integrated cotton production, field visit
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of sugar beet. Topics: regulations; sugar beet crops (agronomic characteristics, soil preparation, sowing); varieties, amendments and fertilisation; sugar beet protection in integrated production; pest, disease and weed control; irrigation, harvesting and post-harvesting avaluation, field practice and computer programme TRIANA
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on integrated production. Topics: basic concepts on integrated production, management of integrated production farms, use of the computer application for the registration of farms in integrated production PRIN Móvil, agronomic and livestock techniques in integrated production, integrated pest and disease control, prevention of occupational and environmental risks, regulations
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on integrated production. Topics: basic concepts on integrated production, management of integrated production farms, use of the computer application for the registration of farms in integrated production PRIN Móvil, agronomic and livestock techniques in integrated production, integrated pest and disease control, prevention of occupational and environmental risks, regulations
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of rice. Topics: regulations; rice cultivation (agronomic characteristics, soil preparation, sowing); varieties, amendments and fertilisation; rice protection in integrated production; pest, disease and weed control; irrigation, harvesting and post-harvesting avaluation, field practice and computer programmes TRIANA and SAR
Animal husbandry
Short basic course on equine podiatry and horseshoein. Topics include horse anatomy, physiology of the equine legs, orthopaedics and work related to horseshoeing
Crop and livestock production
Course on organic farming. Topics: background, regulations, certificates on production, fertilisations, biodiversity, seeds, pest and diseases control, organic livestock breeding, organic products commerce, conversion process to organic farming
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Soil, nutrition and environment, 2) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 3) Agrarian business, 4) Cultivation techniques, 5) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level, 6) Associations and marketing, 7) Accounting and introduction to computering, 8) Business relations and labour risk prevention
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Associations and marketing, 3) Accounting and introduction to computering, 4) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 5) Soil, nutrition and environment, 6) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 7) Cultivation techniques, 8) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Soil, nutrition and environment, 3) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Accounting and introduction to computering, 6) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 7) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 8) Cultivation techniques
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on the growing of olive trees. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Agronomy and pruning of the olive grove, 3) Applicator of phytosanitary products, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Soil, irrigation, nutrition and environment, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Trade relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Cultivation and harvesting techniques
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on beekeeping. The following modules are taught: 1) Apiary facilities and management, 2) Beekeeping potential and production, 3) Beekeeping pathology
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on fruit growing. The following modules are taught: 1) Soil, nutrition and environment, 2) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 3) Cultivation techniques, 4) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based livestock farming. The following modules are taught: Agrarian business, Associations and marketing, Accounting and introduction to computering, Business relations and labour risk prevention, Livestock facilities and management, Feeding. Fodder production and conservation, Breeding management. Lactation, breeding and reproduction, Livestock health and hygiene
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on citrus trees pruning. Topics: morphology and physiology of the tree, types of pruning, time and intensity of pruning, current trends in mechanised pruning, types of cuts and special operations, tools and their disinfection, prevention of occupational hazards, pruning practices in the field
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on citrus trees graft, including topics such as the morphology of the trees and the types of grafting, the criteria of execution, and the occupational risks during the execution
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on recognition of pests and diseases on citrus crops. Topics: Citrus pests and their integrated management (Panonychus citri, Tetranychus urticae, Eutetranychus spp., Aonidiella aurantii, Planococcus citri, Aleurothrixus floccosus, Aphidae, Ceratitis capitata, Phyllocnistis citrella), biological control of citrus pests, fungal diseases
Plant protection and conservation
Short course on avocado and mango farming. It pays particular attention to pathologies and parasites affecting tropical plants and how to combat them
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on avocado trees pruning. Topics: basics and types of pruning, avocado morphology and physiology, pruning tools and their handling, prevention of labour risks in agriculture, pruning practices
Fruit farming and viticulture
Short course on mango and avocado crops. Topics: growing medium and other conditions, planting material, cultivation system, legal framework, economic study of the farm, design and realisation of the plantation
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Crop and livestock production
Course on organic farming. Topics: background, regulations, certificates on production, fertilisations, biodiversity, seeds, pest and diseases control, organic livestock breeding, organic products commerce, conversion process to organic farming
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on slaughterhouses. This course provides knoledge about dealing with the suffering of animals during their transportation and their stay at the slaughterhouses and about hygiene standards
Plant protection and conservation
The purpose of this specialized course is training advisers to help people in plant health issues, including topics such as current situation of plant protection, advances in strategic pests and diseases for the Spanish economy, other damage-causing agents of interest and of recent appearance, current situation and future trends for HLB and Drosophila Suzukii and Xilella Fastidiosa
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Soil, nutrition and environment, 3) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Cultivation techniques, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level
Fruit farming and viticulture
One day course on fig trees graft, including topics such as fig tree biology, fig tree cultivation and practices on graft
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on how to handle animals. It includes topics like physiology of domestic animals, animals transportations, procedures, the quality of their meat, safety transport laws, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding pigs. It provides knowledge regarding anatomy, physiology, animal health, legislation of the sector, structure and equipment of pig farms, animal management, regulated surgical treatments, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding poultry. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding rumiant cattle. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on breeding rumiant cattle. It provides knowledge regarding physiology, legal regulation, animal management, their welfare, transportation, slaughter, etc.
Animal husbandry
Short course on slaughterhouses. This course provides knoledge about dealing with the suffering of animals during their transportation and their stay at the slaughterhouses and about hygiene standards
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Plant protection and conservation
Advanced level course on the application of phytosanitary products on crops. Includes content on integrated pest control and management, integrated and organic production, plant protection products, environmental and health risks, application techniques, regulations, etc.
Crop and livestock production
Basic course on integrated production. Topics: basic concepts on integrated production, management of integrated production farms, use of the computer application for the registration of farms in integrated production PRIN Móvil, agronomic and livestock techniques in integrated production, integrated pest and disease control, prevention of occupational and environmental risks, regulations
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of stone fuit trees. Topics: regulations; stone fruit trees cultivation (agronomic characteristics, soil preparation, sowing); varieties, amendments and fertilisation; stone fuit trees protection in integrated production; pest, disease and weed control; irrigation, harvesting and post-harvesting avaluation, field practice and computer programmes TRIANA and SAR
Crop and livestock production
Course on integrated production of stawberries. Topics: regulations; stawberries crops (agronomic characteristics, soil preparation, sowing); varieties, amendments and fertilisation; winter cereal protection in integrated production; pest, disease and weed control; irrigation, harvesting and post-harvesting avaluation, field practice and computer programme TRIANA
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Soil, nutrition and environment, 3) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 4) Accounting and introduction to computering, 5) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 6) Cultivation techniques, 7) Associations and marketing, 8) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Soil, nutrition and environment, 3) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Cultivation techniques, 6) Accounting and introduction to computering, 7) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based livestock farming. The following modules are taught: Agrarian business, Associations and marketing, Accounting and introduction to computering, Business relations and labour risk prevention, Livestock facilities and management, Feeding. Fodder production and conservation, Breeding management. Lactation, breeding and reproduction, Livestock health and hygiene
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based livestock farming. The following modules are taught: Agrarian business, Associations and marketing, Accounting and introduction to computering, Business relations and labour risk prevention, Livestock facilities and management, Feeding. Fodder production and conservation, Breeding management. Lactation, breeding and reproduction, Livestock health and hygiene
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 2) Cultivation techniques, 3) Associations and marketing, 4) Agrarian business, 5) Accounting and introduction to computering, 6) Soil, nutrition and environment, 7) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Cultivation techniques, 2) Agrarian business, 3) Soil, nutrition and environment, 4) Associations and marketing, 5) Accounting and introduction to computering, 6) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 7) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level, 8) Business relations and labour risk prevention
Agricultural business
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on intensive agriculture. The following modules are taught: 1) Agrarian business, 2) Soil, nutrition and environment, 3) Associations and marketing, 4) Water, irrigation and fertilisation, 5) Accounting and introduction to computering, 6) Cultivation techniques, 7) Business relations and labour risk prevention, 8) Phytosanitary products applicator. Skilled level
This course trains students to start up a farming business based on beekeeping. The following modules are taught: 1) Apiary facilities and management, 2) Beekeeping potential and production, 3) Beekeeping pathology
Animal husbandry
Ability in the management of stables, in the hygiene and care of horses and prepare them for horse riding, a secondary activity with many potential; knowledge of horse breeding, how to manage them, their food, their diseases and ways of riding, horse-shoeing, horse-riding, horse-riding guide
Animal husbandry
Ability in the management of stables, in the hygiene and care of horses and prepare them for horse riding, a secondary activity with many potential; knowledge of horse breeding, how to manage them, their food, their diseases and ways of riding, horse-shoeing, horse-riding, horse-riding guide
Animal husbandry
Ability in the management of stables, in the hygiene and care of horses and prepare them for horse riding, a secondary activity with many potential; knowledge of horse breeding, how to manage them, their food, their diseases and ways of riding, horse-shoeing, horse-riding, horse-riding guide
Animal husbandry
Ability in the management of stables, in the hygiene and care of horses and prepare them for horse riding, a secondary activity with many potential; knowledge of horse breeding, how to manage them, their food, their diseases and ways of riding, horse-shoeing, horse-riding, horse-riding guide
Animal husbandry
Ability in the management of stables, in the hygiene and care of horses and prepare them for horse riding, a secondary activity with many potential; knowledge of horse breeding, how to manage them, their food, their diseases and ways of riding, horse-shoeing, horse-riding, horse-riding guide
Animal husbandry
Ability in the management of stables, in the hygiene and care of horses and prepare them for horse riding, a secondary activity with many potential; knowledge of horse breeding, how to manage them, their food, their diseases and ways of riding, horse-shoeing, horse-riding, horse-riding guide
Animal husbandry
Ability in the management of stables, in the hygiene and care of horses and prepare them for horse riding, a secondary activity with many potential; knowledge of horse breeding, how to manage them, their food, their diseases and ways of riding, horse-shoeing, horse-riding, horse-riding guide
Animal husbandry
Ability in the management of stables, in the hygiene and care of horses and prepare them for horse riding, a secondary activity with many potential; knowledge of horse breeding, how to manage them, their food, their diseases and ways of riding, horse-shoeing, horse-riding, horse-riding guide
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Crop and livestock production
Basic agricultural activities, which allow the worker to give assistance in different areas of interest of multifunctional agriculture. Have labour capacity in agriculture, fruit-growing and sheep-farming, assistant in milk production and in the use of agricultural machinery
Animal husbandry
Knowledge of horse breeding, such as nutrition and maintenance, assist breeders in the reproductive process and give assistance to horseriding. Assistance in the growth of the horses, in the domestication of the foals and in the maintenance of the fleece, of the hooves and of all that concerns their body and their well-being, first aid to the horses that get hurt. Ability to do multiple horse-riding techniques, riding guide, hygiene and proper nutrition
Animal husbandry
Knowledge of horse breeding, such as nutrition and maintenance, assist breeders in the reproductive process and give assistance to horseriding. Assistance in the growth of the horses, in the domestication of the foals and in the maintenance of the fleece, of the hooves and of all that concerns their body and their well-being, first aid to the horses that get hurt. Ability to do multiple horse-riding techniques, riding guide, hygiene and proper nutrition
Animal husbandry
Knowledge of horse breeding, such as nutrition and maintenance, assist breeders in the reproductive process and give assistance to horseriding. Assistance in the growth of the horses, in the domestication of the foals and in the maintenance of the fleece, of the hooves and of all that concerns their body and their well-being, first aid to the horses that get hurt. Ability to do multiple horse-riding techniques, riding guide, hygiene and proper nutrition
Animal husbandry
Knowledge of horse breeding, such as nutrition and maintenance, assist breeders in the reproductive process and give assistance to horseriding. Assistance in the growth of the horses, in the domestication of the foals and in the maintenance of the fleece, of the hooves and of all that concerns their body and their well-being, first aid to the horses that get hurt. Ability to do multiple horse-riding techniques, riding guide, hygiene and proper nutrition
Animal husbandry
Knowledge of horse breeding, such as nutrition and maintenance, assist breeders in the reproductive process and give assistance to horseriding. Assistance in the growth of the horses, in the domestication of the foals and in the maintenance of the fleece, of the hooves and of all that concerns their body and their well-being, first aid to the horses that get hurt. Ability to do multiple horse-riding techniques, riding guide, hygiene and proper nutrition
Animal husbandry
Knowledge of horse breeding, such as nutrition and maintenance, assist breeders in the reproductive process and give assistance to horseriding. Assistance in the growth of the horses, in the domestication of the foals and in the maintenance of the fleece, of the hooves and of all that concerns their body and their well-being, first aid to the horses that get hurt. Ability to do multiple horse-riding techniques, riding guide, hygiene and proper nutrition
Animal husbandry
Knowledge of horse breeding, such as nutrition and maintenance, assist breeders in the reproductive process and give assistance to horseriding. Assistance in the growth of the horses, in the domestication of the foals and in the maintenance of the fleece, of the hooves and of all that concerns their body and their well-being, first aid to the horses that get hurt. Ability to do multiple horse-riding techniques, riding guide, hygiene and proper nutrition
Animal husbandry
Knowledge of horse breeding, such as nutrition and maintenance, assist breeders in the reproductive process and give assistance to horseriding. Assistance in the growth of the horses, in the domestication of the foals and in the maintenance of the fleece, of the hooves and of all that concerns their body and their well-being, first aid to the horses that get hurt. Ability to do multiple horse-riding techniques, riding guide, hygiene and proper nutrition
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Floriculture and gardening
Basic agricultural activities, whith focus on plant breeding, plant nursery and management of the gardens. Basic knowledge in the application of irrigation, and in the sowing of crops and plants. Basic operations in the design, project execution and maintenance of gardens
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Sustainable resource management
Ability to prepare the soil, apply phytosanitary, support harvesting. monitoring the natural environment in order to prevent fires and help the development of biodiversity. Those who follow this course become perfectly able to apply plant protection products, follow the processes of cultivation and harvest of fruit doing everything with the criteria of occupational safety. Have the ability to manage forests intelligently to manage animals for hunting and fishing and to prevent the risk of fires
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Skills in forest management with potential to increase the economic and environmental sustainable use of the farm. Basic knowledge of the forestry sector, the crop sector and the nursery sector. Ability to apply plant protection and phitosanitary products, pesticides, etc.
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Animal husbandry
Cooperate in animal husbandry, safety and food. Ability in themanagement of equine farms, consultant and supervisor for the design, assembly and operation of companies and organizations associated with events, shows, equestrian demonstrations, recreational activities, sports and therapeutic (hypothesis). Animal welfare veterinary assistant
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Forsetal and hydrogeological management. Avoid fires. Improve the environment to help flora and fauna: knowledge of the ethology of wild animals in order to safeguard endangered species and manage hunting and fishing seasons in the most rational way. Ability to control invasive animals that may endanger species of endemic interest
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Floriculture and gardening
Install, preserve and restore outdoor and indoor gardens, sports lawns, and carry out plant production and floriculture, management and maintenance of machinery and sports facilities, in compliance with environmental regulations, quality control and prevention of occupational risks. Carry out the conservation and replacement of the vegetable and non-vegetable elements of the garden using the appropriate techniques. Prepare and apply the necessary phytosanitary treatment, to the collection of fruits and seeds, the propagation and cultivation of plants and tepes maintaining the conditions of safety and attending to the work schedule
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Sustainable resource management
Check the health status of plants, make topographical surveys, supervisor in the installation of green areas, supervisor of the collection of agricultural products, their transport and their conservation. Advice and skills in the management and design of urban green areas, garden management. Knowledge of the health of trees and ornamental plants, and ability to improve landscapes
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to use sustainable agricultural techniques, improving soil fertility and animal welfare. have the ability to carry out a project of organic agriculture, then follow all agronomic techniques to increase and safeguard soil fertility. Also follow microbiological activity in soil, irrigation, plant protection from pathogens and organic fertilization. basics of beekeeping
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Crop and livestock production
Ability to give value to agricultural products and by-products, to implement practices for environmental sustainability, health and animal welfare. Technical can comply with food safety, occupational safety and animal welfare. At the same time obtaining high quality products, putting into practice sustainable agronomic precautions during sowing and transplanting
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Food production and processing
Able to design and start small businesses based on the food industry, make statements and budgets, have knowledge of food conservation and food logistics. Food trade in all the most efficient ways such as small organized distribution and the sale of food and gastronomic specialties online
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Sustainable resource management
Managing wind farms, assessing environmental impact, supervising the installation of photovoltaic panels. High level technical skills and knowledge on wind facilities. Design and management capabilities of a wind park field and in the same way as photovoltaic panels
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
This course is potentially related to multifunctional agriculture as regards the design, management and maintenance of farm services (agrotourism) and services related to tourism and gastronomic tourism of typical culinary specialties
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who take this course will be able to plan and guide the territorial tourist destinations, assisting tourists from the point of view of destinations to visit and transport services. To promote the richness of the cultural heritage of the region. Knowledge of other languages to assist foreign tourists. Can be related to multifunctional agriculture from the point of view of safeguarding landscapes and capacities in the agritourism sector
Tourism and hospitality
Those who ta