Database of existing lifelong learning opportunities in the field of MA was officially released!

10. 3. 2023

Within the AgriNext project T1.1 Collection of Data, the database has been created and officially published on the project website. The database provides a set of data of all training and learning opportunities in the field of Multifunctional Agriculture available in consortium countries: Slovenia, Spain, Croatia, and Ireland.

Users from Slovenia, Spain, Croatia and Ireland that are interested in new training opportunities will now have an opportunity to search for existing initial and continuing education programs in the fields of care farming, farm education, farm shops/short chains, agricultural daycare, agricultural nature management and agrotourism in the respective native languages. This database is providing a source for all the information a person needs to gain multifunctional agriculture-relevant skills that meet the needs of the labour market.

Users can search for results from all four countries in the English language or can search for results in the native language of each respective consortium country.

To date, almost 2.700 learning opportunities are presented in the database. The database will be regularly updated.

The database was one of the public Deliverables D1.1 Database of existing lifelong learning opportunities in the field of MA and was successfully submitted on time. Later in the project lifetime, the database will be implemented into the AgriNext IT platform which will be representing one of the most important project's sustainable results.  

Explore the database and find your training opportunity here.